2014 YMCA Short Course National Championship
Greensboro Aquatic Center, Greensboro, North Carolina
Tuesday April 1 thru Friday April 4, 2014

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Coach and Team YMCA Registration

The deadline for 2013-14 coach and Team registrations is Feb. 1, 2014. Coaches are required to complete the online registration process in order to be on deck at sanctioned championship meets including Nationals.

Coaches who plan to attend the YMCA Short Course National Championship who do not register by this deadline, will be required to pay $60 deck fee for the National Championship

YMCA Short Course National Sanctioned Meets

Sanction applications for championship meets are due no later than 60 days prior to the meet. Only meets held March 15-17 weekend and after are still open for sanction applications.

Friday, January 10, 2014 For Coaches Only

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