2018 YMCA Long Course National Championship
EPPLEY Recreation Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
July 30-Aug 3, 2018

Theme: Animation (cartoon characters, princesses, super heroes)

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As you may be aware, new federal legislation has expanded requirements around sexual abuse prevention for organizations that arrange amateur athletic competitions for minors.

To ensure compliance with all applicable laws, and to continue to strengthen our ability to protect youth in our care from abuse, ALL coaches and volunteers/officials participating in the YMCA of the USA (Y-USA)'s Long Course National Championship in 2018, must take the following steps to ensure policies and procedures for abuse prevention and reporting align with the law. Subject to parental consent, the training will also be made available to minor members if they are working/volunteering at the event.
  • REQUIRED TRAINING: For coaches and volunteers/officials, who do not have access to an approved training through Safe Sport, USA Swimming or their local Y,  must take this required training at Praesidium.  Please use the following registration code to access the training: yusa_swim. 
    • Officials who are USA-S certified officials or coaches who are USA-S registered coaches do not need to take the Praesidium Training since they are required to take an approved training under USA-S policy.  Note: these individuals must still read and acknowledgement the YUSA CODE OF CONDUCT (see below).
    • See attached quick start guide for any questions regarding the Praesidium training.  Link to: Quick Start 
  • REQUIRED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: All Coaches and volunteers/officials must read and provide an electronic signature to acknowledge they have read and understood the YMCA of the USA Long Course National Championship 2018 Code of Conduct.
Please note that coaches or volunteers/officials will not be allowed on deck or to assist with the event unless they have completed the training and acknowledged the YUSA Code of Conduct in our system.

If you have any questions about the policy, please email aquatics@ymca.net.

REMINDER: Background Screening Policy

  • COACHES -All coaches attending the Championship must have cleared a background screening within the past 2 years. This background screening is the responsibility of the coach and his/her YMCA and will be verified by the signature of the executive director or CEO on the team's Meet Declaration Form. Currently registered members of USA-S will have already met this requirement.
  • VOLUNTEERS/OFFICIALS/TIMERS -Each Volunteer, Official and Timer is subject to a background check to be performed by the Championship Meet Committee at no cost to the individual.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 1065  

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