2017 YMCA Long Course National Championship
2017 National YMCA Long Course - Greensboro, NC July 31-Aug 4, 2017 |
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![]() 2017 YMCA Long Course National Championship July 31 - Aug 4, 2017 Greensboro Aquatics Center, 1921 W Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27403 Parade theme is the "The 1980's" in celebration of the first LC Nationals ![]() Video Streaming: FloSports.com Sign-up today for FloPRO annual access to all of their sports events including YMCA Long Course: Sign-up. Or, when the events starts on July 31, sign-up for 30 day (or more) access to only the YMCA Long Course National Championship.
Several important clarifications for FloSwimming subscribers:
(Click link) ProSwim Visual, our professional meet photographer, has award pictures for purchase in variety of mediums ....More
(Click link) 2017 YMCA Long Course National Officials Group Picture ....More
If you subscribed to FloSwimming (or want to subscribe) and are looking to find the archive videos in event order, go to this link and sign-in to your subscription account. Log-in to account After you log-in, go to the link: Archive. You should see a listing of all the events with archive videos and interviews. The archive currently has all the finals, all the prelims, and a large number of interviews of swimmers and coaches
(Click link) We value your feedback on the 2017 YMCA Long Course Championship. Coaches, Swimmers, Officials, Remote Viewers, Parents, Grandparents, and others....please take a few minutes to give us your opinions and suggestions to us improve this National Championship. The vast majority of the improvements we have made over the past seven years are a direct result of the feedback from the Meet Survey. Thank you. Note: The survey is password protected. Password is: 9622 ....More
(Click link) Championship Heat Sheets, Results, Pictures, and video links ....More
The College Recruiting Seminar will be held on Wednesday (August 2) from 1:00pm-2:30pm in the Special Events Center Rm #1A. This is the second occurrence of the same seminar held on Monday. Glenn Neufeld is the presenter.
(Click link) ProSwim Visuals provides action photography by reservation only, one swimmer per heat, first-come, first-served. Reservations are $40 and include two heats (individual or relay) of coverage and a $20 online credit that will automatically apply toward any order made when proofs are posted after the meet. Additional reservations are $10 per heat ....More
(Click link) The long course YMCA National meet has long looked a bit different than the short course edition and this summer appears to follow that trend.... ....More
The Greensboro Aquatic Center has discovered that the Backstroke Wedges mounted on the starting blocks at the Scoreboard end of the competition pool do not fully retract after being used for a start. This problem is related to how the starting blocks are connected to the moveable bulkhead and does not occur at the diving well end of the pool where the starting blocks are connected to the permanent deck. This problem creates the possibility of:
The original plan for these events was for the ODD heats to start at the diving well end of the pool and the EVEN heats to start at the scoreboard end of the pool (using chase starts to save time). The new plan is for ALL heats of these six events to start at the diving well end of the pool. This will add approximately 15 minutes to the preliminary timeline on Day 2 and Day 3. For this slight increase in session time, we are able to eliminate the potential safety and damage issues. For those wondering why this does not affect the 50 M Backstroke and the 200 M Medley Relay, those events were already scheduled for ALL heats to be swum from only one end of the pool. Thank you for your understanding about this change.
(Click link) Do you love baseball? The Greensboro Grasshoppers Minor League baseball team has four home games taking place during Nationals. YMCA swimmers, parents and coaches are invited. Special discount box seats are only $8 each. The downtown stadium (close to the Aquatic Center) is a state-of-the-art facility features a 30' wide, open-air concourse, 36 concession points of sale, the Grandstand outdoor sports bar, a kid-safe play park, numerous amenities and seating for 7,500 fans. Click link for days and times of the games. ....More
(Click link) Door Country YMCA's Max McHugh is no stranger to success in the pool. But the YMCA national champion is not even the fastest swimmer in his own family... yet. Max McHugh is just one of multiple swimmer's preparing for success at the 2017 YMCA LC National Championships. Check out the full psych sheet and prepare yourself for five days of extraordinary racing from some of the best 18&U swimmers in the country. Watch the 2017 YMCA National Championship live ....More
The following teams have been notified that they will have to prove selected entries times for individuals and/or relays. If you did not receive the email notification, please contact Tom Warrick at twarrick@comcast.net Andover YMCA Auglaize Mercer Counties YMCA Butler YMCA Cheshire YMCA Countryside Ralph Stolle YMCA Grove City YMCA-PA Laurel East Hartford YMCA Phoenixville Branch YMCA Regional YMCA of Western Connecticut Somerset Hills YMCA South County Family YMCA - FL Upper Main Line YMCA Western Branch YMCA York And York County YMCA
The following are estimated session end times for your transportation/meals planning purposes only. These session times are calculated prior to daily scratches and prior to entries received during the additional entry period. Monday Evening....... 7:45 PM Tuesday Prelims..... 11:45 AM Tuesday Finals......... 8:15 PM Wednesday Prelims..12:15 PM Wednesday Finals..... 8:15 PM Thursday Prelims.... 11:45 AM Thursday Finals........ 8:30 PM Friday Prelims ........12:45 PM Friday Finals............ 8:45 PM
(Click link) Unofficial Psych Sheet for 2017 YMCA Long Course Nationals. If you see an entry time error, bring it to Coach Check-in in Greensboro. Missing swimmer(s), contact Tom at twarrick@comcast.net. Parents/swimmers should direct all their comments to their coach. ONLY COACHES MAY CONTACT TOM WARRICK, Entry Chair ....More
Parents and athletes are invited to attend a College Recruiting Seminar on Monday, July 31 at 11:30 AM in the Special Events Center. The seminar will be presented by Glenn Neufeld and will include the opportunity to ask questions. Glenn has a broad background which includes being a YMCA swim coach, a college assistant swim coach and a high school guidance counselor. His background has given him a view of the recruiting process from many different perspectives. Please take advantage of this opportunity educate yourselves on this pertinent subject.
(Click link) PRE-ORDERING OF SPECTATOR TICKETS IS CLOSED: Only ALL-SESSION tickets are available for advanced purchase (child ALL-SESSIONS ticket is $35; Adult ALL-SESSION ticket is $65). Note: You will be able to purchase individual session tickets on site at the Aquatic Center. IMPORTANT: If you previously purchased All-Session Tickets through this system for YMCA Short Course, you will already have a login account. Use the same email address and password to log into the system) When you purchase ALL-SESSIONs tickets, you also have the option to sponsor the YMCA Long Course meet for $50 (your designated name will appear in all prelim heat sheets as a sponsor of the meet.)
....MoreCredit card is the only payment option for advanced purchasing of ALL-SESSION tickets. Note: The system we are using for Advance Ticket sales is not specifically designed to handle spectator tickets. Everything will work fine, except the nomenclature will reference "members." Members in this case are the individuals purchasing the tickets. You will initially need to register yourself in the system (assuming that you did not purchase All-Session Tickets for the YMCA Short Course Meet). Then you will need to register yourself again as the purchaser of the tickets. Follow the instructions carefully. When you get to the second "add member" (or first "add member" if you previously purchase tickets for YMCA Short Course), determine if you want to sponsor the Championship, (select "Ticket Sales with Sponsorship" on the second add member step to sponsor the Championship at $50. Select "Ticket Sales" if you only want to purchase ALL-SESSION Tickets without purchasing a Sponsorship. NOTE: If you are purchasing multiple tickets, do not add a member for each ticket. When you get to the page to confirm your account information, ignore the heading "Registration Fees." This is where you will enter the number of Adult and/or Child ALL-SESSION tickets you want to purchase. You will receive confirmation via email after entering your credit card information and completing the transaction. Also note: When you receive your emailed receipt, it will have an Pending Approval status listed. Ignore this notation, your purchase has gone through. The site is secure for both purchaser's and credit card information
(Click link) Don't forget to purchase commemorative apparel items from this year's YMCA LONG COURSE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! The YMCA of USA is proud to have our partner FINE DESIGNS provide this year's apparel. There will be lots to choose from onsite at the meet, but don't hesitate to shop ahead in the comfort of your home. ....More
The Meet Committee is excited to announce two Olympians to attend the 2017 YMCA Long Course National Championship in Greensboro, NC: Charlie Houchin and Anthony Ervin. Charlie Houchin
Anthony Ervin
(Click link) Key meet operations information for the Championship - For Coaches. ....More
Below are several very important items that coaches need to know:
(Click link) For Coaches: All Championship meet entries must be made through the YMCA Online Meet Entry System - Entry Deadline is Monday July 24, 2017 at 5:00pm ET ....More
(Click link) For Coaches: YMCA Long Course Nationals Online Meet Entry for time trials. Time trials are only open to swimmers participating in YMCA Nationals. Time trials entry is separate from the Main Championship entry. Entry Deadline is Monday July 24, 2017 at 5:00pm (ET) ....More
For Coaches and Teams only: The Greensboro Aquatic Center is offering lunch and dinner options for your team that will get your swimmers back to their rooms quickly to rest. Don't spend time arranging and attending lunches and dinners at the hotel or making reservations at "slow-to-serve" restaurants. On Tuesday through Thursday dinner will be served buffet-style in the Coaches' Hospitality room at the end of Finals for $14.00 per person. Boxed Lunches are also available for purchase Tuesday through Friday. Boxed lunches will be delivered to the Athlete Village before the end of the Prelim Sessions and are priced at $12 per person. Interested? Send all orders to Patricia_Hannan@comcastspectacor.com, copy David Hoover at David.Hoover@Greensboro-NC.gov or call 336-574-4057. Deadline is July 24th. Teams will be billed directly.
(Click link) DEADLINE: 7/15/2017: YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) recognizes the commitment a swimmer makes to training and competing in swimming and diving competitions. We realize the financial strain these competitions can have on families. The YMCA of USA hopes to alleviate some of the financial pressures associated with participation by making financial assistance available to the parents/athlete to help support an athlete on local YMCA Financial Assistance with traveling to National Competitions (transportation and housing costs only). Update: 6/8/2017 to indicate funds will be distributed directly to Local YMCA ....More
(Click link) Officials and Timers: You are cordially invited to help us at the 2017 YMCA Long Course Swimming Championship Meet. To properly conduct a championship meet of this magnitude requires a large number of officials to staff the deck each day. There is a need for YMCA Level I, YMCA Level II, and/or USA-S Officials each day at Preliminaries, Time Trials and Finals. All officials attending the meet are strongly encouraged to sign up to work at this meet. Timer positions may also be available depending on the number of swim official volunteers. If you are experienced in timing, but are not an Certified Swim Official and would like to volunteer, we encourage you to do so. ....More
(Click link) These forms are automatically generated during the Online Entry process. These templates are provided in the event you did not receive them during your Entry process ....More
(Click link) For Coaches - Event file for TeamManager/TeamUnify for the main events of the Championship. Time Trials have a separate Event File. Time Trials entries must be submitted separately from the Championship main event entries ....More
(Click link) For Coaches: Time Trials event file for TeamManager/TeamUnify. Entries for time trials must be submitted separately from the main championship entries. UPDATED 7/12 to remove Time Trails Limit of one event per day ....More
(Click link) This is a schedule of pre-event deadlines, and event activities for each day of the meet. The schedule contains events/activities, dates/times, and locations for coaches, swimmers, officials, and parents. UPDATED 6/19/2017 ....More
(Click link)![]() The YMCA Long Course Nationals Meet Committee is excited to announce that FloSports, Inc will be providing video services for the 2017 YMCA Long Course National Championship. Subscribers to FloSports/FloSwimming will have access to the entire 2017 YMCA Long Course Championship competition live, start to finish, including the athlete parade, award ceremonies, and each prelim, final and time-trial session (availability of Time Trials video was a significant request from our previous championship surveys). Join in the excitement of the 2017 YMCA Long Course National Championship. Subscribe to the full content (live and on-demand videos of all the competition including interviews) for only $29.99 per month with a minimum of one month subscription. In addition, if you are interested in FloSports' other sport channels, you can view the YMCA LC National Championship and all of the other FloSports 20 plus live event channels for only $149.99 per year. FloSports, launched in 2006, started with Track and Wrestling and has expanded into over 20 live sports channels including Gymnastics, Softball, Volleyball, Tennis, Rugby, Hockey, etc and now Swimming. FloSports transmits, in 100% High Definition, sports content for regional, varsity and national sports focusing on live and on-demand coverage, documentaries, breaking news and more. Further information about the video services will be available as we get closer to the Championship event
(Click link) YMCA Officials Trainers ONLY - opportunity to attend the YMCA Long Course Championship. ....More
(Click link) Competition Warm-up schedule for Prelims and Finals ....More
(Click link) For Coaches Only: List of Insurance Certificate expiration dates. Coaches, please make sure your YMCA has an insurance certificate on file at the YMCA of USA that covers the period through Aug 4, 2017. UPDATE WITH FAXES RECEIVED 7/25 ....More
(Click link) Sample Insurance certificate. Each team that participates in the meet must have a current and correct Certificate of Liability Insurance on file with the YMCA of the USA. Emails of certificates will be accepted FROM THE INSURANCE BROKER ONLY. Emails may be sent to Robin Lee at robin.lee@ymca.net. Certificates of Insurance may be faxed to 312-977-1069, HOWEVER, THE ORIGINAL MUST STILL BE SENT to YMCA of the USA, Attn: Insurance Manager, 101 North Wacker Dr., Chicago IL 60606 ....More
Swim Officials Trainer Training This training program will be held on July 30-31, 2017. Note: this training is only for Trainer Candidates Facilitation Skills will be held on July 30 from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM at the Sheraton Greensboro Hotel. Trainer Training will be held after Facilitation Skills at 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Class Training will involve actually teaching segments of the Level I or Level II program, will take place on July 31 at the Greensboro Aquatic Complex. The session will run from 8:30 AM until 1:30 PM. The prerequisites for this clinic can be found on the website. Registration for this program must be completed by no later than Friday, July 15, 2017. Registration is accomplished by e-mailing the lead trainer, Ed Miller (caefmilleriii@msn.com) and then completing a Trainer Application form obtained from Bridgett Zeitler at Y-USA (bridgett.zeitler@ymca.net). Swim Officials Level II
This clinic will be offered for prospective new Level II officials as well as existing Level II officials needing to renew their certifications. Swim Officials Level I This clinic will be offered for prospective new Level I officials as well as existing Level I officials needing to renew their certifications. The program will be held at the Greensboro Aquatic Complex on Monday, July 31 from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM. To register for this clinic, contact the lead trainer, Ed Miller (caefmilleriii@msn.com). Re-certifying officials must bring a copy of their meet experience record with them evidencing the meet sessions worked over the prior three year certification period.
(Click link) The 2017 YMCA Long Course Nationals Championship Handbook (Meet Invitation) provides information for Coaches, Swimmers and Parents to prepare, enter, attend, and compete in the championship. The Handbook is a must-read for everyone attending the Championship. ....More
(Click link) Map of pool deck at Greensboro Aquatics Center for YMCA LC Nationals ....More
(Click link) Are you are an amateur photographer? Would you like to volunteer to take pictures memorializing this year's championship? Volunteer photographers are needed to cover all aspects of the Championship. If you are interested, and willing to take pictures for posting on our web site, please read and complete the application form. Note: Form is a Microsoft WORD document ....More
(Click link) College/University coaches are welcome at all YMCA National Swimming and Diving Championships. We encourage you to come and see the talent that can be the future of your swimming team. Entry and heat sheets are complimentary. Please pre-register. ....More
(Click link) Coaches: If you plan to attend 2017 YMCA Long Course Nationals, you must register all attending coaches by July 1, 2017. Failure to register by this deadline will result in the $60 deck pass fee for unregistered coaches. ....More
(Click link) Athlete volunteers are needed to fill a special role in this year's YMCA Long Course National Swimming Championship. If you have a swimmer or group of swimmers interested in participating in color guard, water banner, National Anthem, or devotion during the prelims or finals, please see the attached information and application form. Note: Attachment is a MSWORD Document Deadline for application submission is July 26, 2017 ....More
(Click link) Greensboro Parking and Special Events Center Map for the Aquatics Center. ....More
We are asking swimmers to use the Athletes Village located in the Special Events Center during Preliminaries whenever they are not swimming. With 1,000 or more athletes attending the competition, the pool deck is too crowded to accommodate everyone. Your cooperation will give each athlete an opportunity to do their best. This year, teams with 4 or fewer swimmers will be assigned to a large common area unless they contact David Hoover (Greensboro Aquatic Center, Event Coordinator) to request a dedicated area. David's email address is: david.hoover@greensboro-nc.gov. Please make sure you reference the YMCA Long Course National Championship in your email so he knows the associated meet for the request. Only a coach should make the request to David. We will continue to assign teams with five or more athletes to a dedicated area within the Athletes Village. Please remember that everyone is responsible for their personal belongings. Swimmers should never leave any of these items unattended.
Spectators: Spectators are not allowed to bring in any food, snack or beverages into the Aquatic Center or Athlete Village. The GAC will have concessions each day of the meet. The Athlete Village will also have concessions throughout the meet. Re-entry privileges are allowed should anyone want to go off-site for meals. Teams: No outside catering or take- out food is permitted at either venue. A team coach may bring a cooler into the Athlete Village (with water or Gatorade). Swimmers may bring in snacks and power bars for consumption if stored in their back packs,. There will be water available throughout the meet in on-deck coolers for swimmers, coaches and officials. Empty water bottles may be brought in for use at the water fountains.
(Click link) Qualifying times for 2017 YMCA Long Course National Championship Updated 5/21/17 to include the bonus times for the 800 and 1500 Freestyle events ....More
(Click link) Hotel booking is open through YMCA Competitive Sports Housing by visiting the housing website or by calling the housing office at (888) 939-5945 or email competitivesportshousing@ymca.net. As always, reservations will be taken on a first come, first served basis, so we encourage you to book early to reserve your top choice hotels. 2017 YMCA Long Course National Championship ....More
(Click link) It's my pleasure to announce that the 2017 YMCA Long Course National Championship will be held July 31 through August 4 at the Greensboro Aquatics Center in Greensboro, North Carolina. As 2017 will represent the first time we will be holding both our Short Course and Long Course National Championships in the same location, it's important that you know why. Our decision to bring Long Course to Greensboro next year was made for three reasons: 1. Our options were limited. Most of the other aquatic centers that have 50 meter pools are simply not available on the dates we requested, and those that are available cannot accommodate our needs. 2. We have an outstanding relationship with the Greensboro Aquatic Center. In the years we have held Short Course at the GAC, we have benefitted from what has become a true partnership with the staff there. They know us well, greatly value our business, and are willing to work with us in ways that others are not. This has very positively impacted our ability to deliver a high quality "Y" experience for everyone attending Short Course and will no doubt have the same impact on Long Course. 3. Travel to and lodging in Greensboro are very reasonable, especially compared to other cities. We've heard your concerns and we are committed to keeping costs - ours and yours - as low as possible. To this end, bringing Long Course to Greensboro in 2017 is a no-brainer. We recognize that for some of you two trips to one location in the same year is not ideal. However, know that we are approaching 2017 as a year of transition, one that will give us the opportunity to continue to evaluate potential locations for both championships alongside everyone's ideals and then pursue long-term commitments that target the proverbial "sweet spot". As we do this, we continue to welcome your thoughts and feedback. Shortly, you will receive a separate email from YMCA Competitive Sports Housing with detailed information about making hotel reservations for Long Course. In the meantime, you can begin reviewing your options at our housing website, http://www.cvent.com/d/1vql8q. If I may answer any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks for your understanding, support, and ongoing commitment to helping our young athletes realize their full potential through Y swimming. Best, Spencer Thank you for transforming lives. Spencer Bonnie National Director, Youth Events and Sports Membership and Programs
YMCA OF THE USA (WATCH) YD Playlist (T) Follow me @SpencerBonnieY ....More
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