2017 YMCA Short Course National Championship
2017 National YMCA Short Course - Greensboro, NC
April 3-7, 2017

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2017 YMCA Short Course Nationals - April 3-7, 2017 at Greensboro, NC Greensboro Aquatics Center, 1921 W Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27403

The theme for this year's Championship Meet is the Roaring 20's

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 For Everyone

Thanks to all the officials (and timers) who volunteered. You were instrumental in making the event a success ....More

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 For Officials Visits: 1143  

ProSwim Visuals is our official photographer for the YMCA Nationals Championship.  This link is to their web site where you can view and purchase pictures, posters, and albums. ....More

Wednesday, April 19, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1348  

Meet Results by Event, Pictures, On-demand Video, Full Printed Results, Coaches Results Export File for TeamManager/TeamUnify ....More

Monday, April 3, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 38120  


2017 SCNATS CHAMPIONS (Click link)
2017 YMCA Short Course National Champions ....More

Monday, November 19, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 850  

COACH OF THE YEAR (Click link)
YUSA and SwimOutlet announced the YMCA 2017 Coach of the Year at the YMCA Short Course National Championship

Missoula Family YMCA
Missoula, MT ....More

Monday, April 10, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1112  


While the 2017 YMCA Short Course National Championship is now over, one more task remains: To Take Our Survey.

Over 100 people volunteered their time to plan and run this championship. We now ask you to "volunteer" a few minutes of your time to give us your valuable feedback. Whether your opinion is favorable or critical of the championship, your ratings and comments are important to the Championship's continuous improvement.

We welcome everyone's feedback - from swimmers, officials, coaches, parents, and remote viewers. Tell us what you liked and what you want changed.

Link: click on the heading of this article above; Password is: 9622

Thank you for your time ....More

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1424  

ProSwim Visuals provides action photography by reservation only, one swimmer per heat, first-come, first-served. Reservations are $40 and include two heats (individual or relay) of coverage and a $20 online credit that will automatically apply toward any order made when proofs are posted after the meet. Additional reservations are $10 per heat. ....More

Monday, April 3, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1240  

The following teams have been selected for Proof of Times.  If your team is on the list and you did not receive notice for Proof of Time, please contact Tom Warrick at twarrick@comcast.net

Bloomsburg Area YMCA
Butler YMCA
Carlisle Family YMCA
Central Florida Metro YMCA
Countryside Ralph Stolle YMCA
Eau Claire Wisconsin YMCA
Freeland YMCA
Green Bay YMCA Metro
Hilliard YMCA
Kleptz YMCA
Lancaster and Fairfield YMCA
North Canton Community YMCA
Piedmont Family YMCA
Ridley Area YMCA
Somerset Hills YMCA
Somerset Valley YMCA
South Family YMCA
South Hills Branch YMCA
Springfield Family YMCA
Sunbury Branch YMCA
Tri County YMCA Inc
Wyckoff Family YMCA Inc

Thursday, March 30, 2017 For Coaches Only

This is a schedule of pre-event deadlines, and event activities for each day of the meet. The schedule contains events/activities, dates/times, and locations for coaches, swimmers, officials, and parents

3/16/2017 UPDATE: Monday's competition start changed from 5:15pm to 5:30pm ....More

Thursday, March 30, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 6095  

PSYCH SHEET (Click link)
Unofficial Psych Sheet for 2017 YMCA Short Course Nationals.  

If you see a entry time error bring it to Coach Check-in in Greensboro.  Missing swimmer(s), contact Tom at twarrick@comcast.net.  

Parents/swimmers should direct all their comments to their coach.  


Monday, March 27, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 9955  


Saturday, April 1st  GAC remains open to the public with $5 admission per person between the hours of 8:30am - 7:00pm. The building will close at 7:30pm There will not be any race equipment available on this date.

Sunday, April 2nd   GAC remains open to the public with $5 admission per person between the hours of 10am-6pm. The building closes at 6:30pm. There will be track starts and backstroke wedges available in the Dive well end Race Course in the Competition pool.  No touch pads. The Scoreboard end course will not have any race equipment . The Y will also have 4 lanes in the Dive well.  One lane will have a starting block with backstroke ledge and track start.

Monday, April 3rd  All touch pads and race equipment in place on both courses. Warms ups begin at 6am. Doors open at 5:40am daily.

Through Friday    *The Rec Pool will close daily right at the end of the prelims.  The dive well will close daily 1/2 hour following Prelims and re open at 4:00pm until 15 minutes after Finals conclude.

The Competition pool will close as soon as time trials end and reopen at 4:00pm until 1/2 hour after finals conclude.

The building will close 1 hour after the finals conclude each evening.

Saturday, March 25, 2017 For Coaches Only

As hopefully you heard, this year, all meet entry fees will be invoiced and paid through our National partner, TeamUnify. There will be no need to request a check through your YMCA or bring cash to the meet. The credit card that you used when completing the annual registration of your team will be automatically charged your entry fees after the entry deadline has passed. The credit card is the one that you have on file and used during team registration or requesting a sanction for a championship.

The invoice generation and charging of the credit card will not occur until after the Meet Entry Deadline (Monday 3/27).  You credit card will NOT be charged when you submit your entries.

Please ensure that this credit card has a transaction limit that is great enough to cover your meet entries fees and that the credit card will accept a total charge amount that is great enough for your meet entry fees and any other charges you have and plan to make.

Friday, March 24, 2017 For Coaches Only

Don't forget to purchase commemorative apparel items from this year's YMCA SHORT COURSE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! The YMCA of USA is proud to have our partner FINE DESIGNS provide this year's apparel. There will be lots to choose from onsite at the meet, but don't hesitate to shop ahead in the comfort of your home. ....More

Tuesday, March 21, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 2310  


This year we are honored to have 6 Olympians attend YMCA Nationals.  Further details about their attendance will be available shortly.

  • Missy Franklin
    • SPEEDO Ambassador
    • 2012 & 2016 US Olympian
    • 5 time Olympic Gold Medalist
    • World Champion & World Record Holder
    • Missy will sign autographs Monday afternoon at the SPEEDO Booth
    • Missy will be attending the Athlete Welcome Party on Monday
  • Rowdy Gaines
    • NBC & ESPN Swimming Commentator
    • 3 Time Olympic Gold Medalist
    • NCAA Champion
    • World Record Holder
    • World Champion & World Record Holder
    • Masters Champion & Masters World Record Holder
    • VP of Aquatics, YMCA of Central Florida, Orlando
    • Rowdy will interview Missy Franklin at the Athlete Welcome party
  • Kelsi Worrell
    • 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist
    • NCAA Champion
    • World Record Holder
    • Kelsi will be available for autographs in the Mutual Of Omaha Booth on Tuesday
    • Kelsi will lead the Parade of Athletes on Tuesday
  • Ryan Held
    • 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist
    • NCAA Champion
    • YMCA Short Course Nationals Record Holder
    • Springfield YMCA
    • Ryan will co-lead the Parade of Athletes Kelsi Worrell on Tuesday
  • Hannah Aspden
    • Paralympian
    • Rio 2016 Paralympic Games-Two-time medalist
    • Member of YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
    • Silver medal at the 2015 World Championships
    • Hannah will be interviewed by Rowdy at the Athlete Welcome party on Monday
  • Josh Davis (Unexpected Scheduling Conflict. Josh will not be attending)
    • 1996 & 2000 US Olympian
    • Olympic Gold Medalist
    • American & World Record Holder
    • US Flag Bearer at Olympic Games
    • Co-captain US Olympic Team
    • CEO of Mutual of Omaha Breakout Clinic
    • Josh will be available in the Mutual Of Omaha booth on Tuesday
  • Craig Beardsley
    • 1980 US Olympic Team
    • World Record Holder
    • Pan American Games Gold Medalist
    • Swimming World Male Swimmer of the Year
    • Craig will be available in the Swim Across America booth on Tuesday

Sunday, March 19, 2017 For Everyone

Advanced purchase of ALL-SESSION Spectator Admission Tickets is CLOSED:  Only ALL-SESSION tickets are available for advanced purchase (child ALL-SESSIONS ticket is $35; Adult ALL-SESSION ticket is $65).  Note: You will be able to purchase individual session tickets on site at the Aquatic Center.  

When you purchase ALL-SESSIONs tickets, you also have the option to sponsor the YMCA Short Course meet for $50 (your designated name will appear in all prelim heat sheets as a sponsor of the meet.)  

Credit card is the only payment option for advanced purchasing of ALL-SESSION tickets.

Note: The system we are using for Advance Ticket sales is not specifically designed to handle spectator tickets. Everything will work fine, except the nomenclature will reference  "members."  Members in this case are the individuals purchasing the tickets. You will initially need to register yourself in the system.  Then you will need to register yourself again as the purchaser of the tickets.

Follow the instructions carefully.

When you get to the second "add member", determine if you want to sponsor the Championship, (select "Ticket Sales with Sponsorship" on the second add member step to sponsor the Championship at $50.  Select "Ticket Sales" if you only want to purchase ALL-SESSION Tickets without purchasing a Sponsorship.  NOTE: If you are purchasing multiple tickets, do not add a member for each ticket. 

When you get to the page to confirm your account information, ignore the heading "Registration Fees."  This is where you will enter the number of Adult and/or Child ALL-SESSION tickets you want to purchase.  You will receive confirmation via email after entering your credit card information and completing the transaction.  

Also note: When you receive your emailed receipt, it will have an Pending Approval status listed.  Ignore this notation, your purchase has gone through.

The site is secure for both purchaser's and credit card information


Thursday, March 16, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 2260  

The Championship Meet Committee is hosting an educational session at this year's YMCA Short Course Nationals on the college admission process. Our 2011 YMCA National Coach-of-the-Year, Glenn Neufeld will moderate a discussion forum with four college coaches as they talk about the admissions process from their varying perspectives as the coaches of successful swimming programs at four very different institutions of higher education. The event will be held at the Field House located on the Greensboro complex grounds across from the pool on Monday from 2:45PM until 4:15PM.

Everyone is invited - Parents, Swimmers, Coaches ....More

Thursday, March 16, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1706  


Below are several very important items that coaches need to know:

  • Please make sure that you visit the YMCA SC Nationals web site at: http://ymca.ymcaswimminganddiving.org/2017SC   This site contains all the information regarding preparing, entering, travel to, and participating in YMCA SC Nationals.  Please pass this link to your national swimmers and their parents and have them sign-up for email notifications of new information postings.
  • When you submit your online meet entries, you will be asked for your senior swimmers' names and the college/university they will be attending.  This information will be included in the heat sheets so be prepared when you submit your meet entries.
  • All coaches will need to have current credentials to be on deck, including a background check within the past two years.  If you are a registered USA-S coach, this is part of the USA-S registration process.  If you are not USA-S registered, it is your responsibility with your YMCA to have this background check performed.
  • This year, all meet entry fees will be invoiced and paid through our National partner, TeamUnify.  There will be no need to request a check through your YMCA or bring cash to the meet.  The credit card that you used when completing the annual registration of your team will be automatically charged your entry fees after the entry deadline has passed.  The credit card is the one that you have on file and used during team registration or requesting a sanction for a championship.
  • Extremely important: Please ensure that this credit card has a transaction limit that is greater that your meet entry fees and that the credit card will accept a total charge amount that is greater that your meet entry fees.
  • If you are going to use a high school time for a qualification time, remember, times from high school meets are only allowed if the meet is USA-S Observed.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about the eligibility of a swimmer or the eligibility of a swimmer's entry time, contact Jim Ryan (jryan@ymcade.org) as soon as possible.
  • Parade theme is the "Roaring 1920" in celebration of the first YMCA SC Nationals.  This will be the 90th YMCA Short Course National Championship.  We are looking forward to seeing the creative costumes of the athletes during the Athlete Welcome Parade on Tuesday.
  • Online Time trials entries close on the same day and time as the main championship entries: Monday March 27 at 3:00pm.  Note: a total of four time trials can be swum by each athlete during the meet.
  • Please encourage your officials and parents who will be attending the championship to volunteer as either a timer or deck official.  Information is available at the YMCA SC National web site.

Sunday, March 12, 2017 For Coaches Only

Greensboro Parking and Special Events Center Map for the Aquatics Center. ....More

Friday, March 10, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1315  

MAP OF POOL DECK (Click link)
Map of pool deck at Greensboro Aquatics Center for YMCA SC Nationals ....More

Friday, March 10, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1283  

Event File Added 3/21/2017. As has been done in the past, the Greensboro Community YMCA will be hosting a Long Course Time Trial meet for all participants of YMCA Short Course Nationals.  The meet will be held at the Greensboro Aquatic Center (same location as YMCA SC Nats) on Saturday April 8, 2017 (day after the Y Nats Championship ends).  Entry Deadline is March 29, 2017 at midnight.  Click the link for the invitation.

Event file is available at this link:
Event File

Please Note: This meet is hosted by GCY and is not part of the YMCA National Championship.  This information is being provided as a courtesy to GCY and the coaches/swimmers participating in Y Nationals.  YUSA and the National Championship Committee are not involved in this meet.  All questions should be directed to individuals outlined in the invitation. ....More

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 For Coaches Only Visits: 1132  

WARM -UP SCHEDULE (Click link)
Coaches: Competition Warm-up schedule for Prelims and Finals: 2017 YMCA Short Course Nationals.  Update: 3/28/2017 ....More

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 For Coaches Only Visits: 1825  


YMCA Swim Officials Training Clinics at 2017 YMCA SC Nationals

As always, we will be offering swim officials' training clinics at the 2017 Short Course Swimming Championships in Greensboro, NC in April.  The clinics offered will be as follows:

Swim Officials Trainer Training

This program, which includes the prerequisite Facilitation Skills Training (FST), will be held on April 2-3, 2017. 

The first phase will be held on April 2nd from 1:00 PM until 6:00 PM at the Sheraton Greensboro Hotel and will encompass both FST and the Trainer Training program. 

The second phase, which will involve actually teaching segments of the Level I or Level II program, will take place on April 3rd at the Greensboro Aquatic Complex.  The session will run from 8:30 AM until 1:30 PM.

The prerequisites for this clinic can be found on the website.  Registration for this program must be completed by no later than Friday, March 17, 2017.  Registration is accomplished by e-mailing the lead trainer, Ed Miller (caefmilleriii@msn.com) and then completing a Trainer Application form obtained from Bridgett Zeitler at Y-USA (bridgett.zeitler@ymca.net).

Swim Officials Level II

This clinic will be offered for prospective new Level II officials as well as existing Level II officials needing to renew their certifications.  

The program will be held at the Greensboro Aquatic Complex on Monday, April 3rd from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM.  To register for this clinic, contact the lead trainer, Eddie Hughes (cehughes@spinxco.com).  Re-certifying officials must bring a copy of their meet experience record with them evidencing the meet sessions worked over the prior three year certification period.  

Swim Officials Level I

This clinic will be offered for prospective new Level I officials as well as existing Level I officials needing to renew their certifications.   The program will be held at the Greensboro Aquatic Complex on Monday, April 3rd from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM.  To register for this clinic, contact the lead trainer, Ed Miller (caefmilleriii@msn.com).  Re-certifying officials must bring a copy of their meet experience record with them evidencing the meet sessions worked over the prior three year certification period.

Saturday, February 25, 2017 For Officials

GATE GUYS SONG (Click link)

Gate Guys 2017 Short Course Nationals at Greensboro song.  Thanks to Bob Kohnke for this year's theme song. Bob is one of our Gate Guys. The song should get you in the mood to come to Greensboro

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1328  

Key meet operations information for the Championship - For Coaches.
3/16/2017 Update: Wedges: Protocol for Use of Starting Wedges ....More

Sunday, February 12, 2017 For Coaches Only Visits: 1410  

SWIM CAP SWAP (Click link)
Swimmers: Bring one or more of your team swim caps to swap with other swimmers....prior to the Athlete Welcome party. ....More

Sunday, February 12, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1523  

Spectators: Spectators are not allowed to bring in any food, snack or beverages into the Aquatic Center or Athlete Village. The GAC will have concessions each day of the meet. The Athlete Village will also have concessions throughout the meet. Re-entry privileges are allowed should anyone want to go off-site for meals.

Teams: No outside catering or take- out food is permitted at either venue. A team coach may bring a cooler into the Athlete Village (with water or Gatorade). Swimmers may bring in snacks and power bars for consumption if stored in their back packs,. There will be water available throughout the meet in on-deck coolers for swimmers, coaches and officials. Empty water bottles may be brought in for use at the water fountains.

Monday, February 6, 2017 For Everyone

Once again this year, we are asking swimmers to use the Athletes Village located in the Special Events Center during Preliminaries whenever they are not swimming. With 1,400 or more athletes attending the competition, the pool deck is too crowded to accommodate everyone. Your cooperation will give each athlete an opportunity to do their best.

This year, teams with 4 or fewer swimmers will be assigned to a large common area unless they contact David Hoover (Greensboro Aquatic Center, Event Coordinator) to request a dedicated area.  David's email address is: david.hoover@greensboro-nc.gov. Please make sure you reference the YMCA Short Course National Championship in your email so he knows the associated meet for the request.  Only a coach should make the request to David.

We will continue to assign teams with five or more athletes to a dedicated area within the Athletes Village.

Please remember that everyone is responsible for their personal belongings. Swimmers should never leave any of these items unattended.

Monday, February 6, 2017 For Coaches Only

All Championship meet entries must be made through the YMCA Online Meet Entry System - Entry Deadline is Monday March 27, 2017 at 3:00pm ET ....More

Monday, February 6, 2017 For Coaches Only Visits: 3356  

YMCA SC Nationals Online Meet Entry for time trials. Time trials are only open to swimmers participating in YMCA Nationals. Time trials entry is separate from the Main Championship entry. Entry Deadline is Monday March 27, 2017 at 3:00pm (ET) ....More

Monday, February 6, 2017 For Coaches Only Visits: 2457  

To cover the Championship and provide pictures, volunteer photographers are needed. If you are interested, and willing to take picture to post on our web site during the Championship, please read and complete the linked application form. Note: Form is a Microsoft WORD document ....More

Thursday, February 2, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 943  

During Short Course Nationals, members of our YMCA Swim Community who we have lost over the past 12 months will be remembered in a Moment of Silence. Please send the name of individuals to be remembered to Bob McDowell at bmcdowell@riverbrookymca.org.

Those we hold closest to our hearts never truly leave us. They live on in the kindness they have shared and the love they brought into our lives

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 For Everyone

P&B Awards will again be on-site to engrave your YMCA Short Course award medals. In addition, they will also be able to engrave award medals from previous YNats meets. If you would like to have your metals engraved with the date, results time, and place, stop by the P&B Awards booth in the vendor area. And, don't forget to bring your previous YNATS awards for engraving.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 For Everyone

For Coaches Only: Each YMCA that participates in the YMCA National Championship must have a valid Insurance Certificate on file at the YUSA that cover the period through April 7, 2017.  The link is to a list of teams with their current Insurance Certificate expiration dates. If your insurance certificate is out of date, please follow the instructions on the linked page to send your current insurance certificate to YUSA.  Note: This list will be updated frequently until the start of the Championship.

This list also include a link for you to check to make sure we received your faxed/emailed declaration form ....More

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 For Coaches Only Visits: 1642  

These forms are automatically generated during the Online Meet Entry process. These templates are provided in the event you did not receive them during your entry process ....More

Tuesday, January 31, 2017 For Coaches Only Visits: 1093  

Athlete volunteers are needed to fill a special role in this year's YMCA Short Course National Swimming Championship. If you have a swimmer or group of swimmers interested in participating in color guard, water banner, National Anthem, or devotion during the prelims or finals, please see the attached information and application form.

Deadline for application submission is March 29, 2017 ....More

Tuesday, January 31, 2017 For Coaches Only Visits: 942  

Coaches: If you plan to attend 2017 YMCA Short Course Nationals, you must register your team and all attending coaches by Feb 28, 2017.  Failure to register by this deadline will result in the $60 deck pass fee for unregistered coaches. ....More

Monday, January 30, 2017 For Coaches Only Visits: 1039  



YMCA coaches play a critical role in the cognitive, physical and social-emotional development of young athletes. By using swimming as a vehicle by which to promote achievement, relationships and a sense of belonging, coaches take a holistic approach to youth development. The lessons learned through swimming help an individual to thrive well beyond the pool.

The YMCA Swimming Coach of the Year Award is presented annually to the person who best exemplifies this approach to his or her role as a coach. The recipient intentionally strengthens the foundations of his or her community and actively promotes youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. He or she maintains high standards for the YMCA's core values of honesty, caring, respect and responsibility.

Anyone can nominate a swim coach for his award: parent, swimmer, coach, YMCA professional, official. Forms and all supporting documents are due by March 1, 2017. The recipient is selected by YMCA National Coaches Association Executive Committee and the YMCA of USA Swimming and Diving Council. The recipient will be announced at the YMCA National Short Course Championship Meet. The recipient does not need to be present at the meet to be chosen to receive the award. ....More

Friday, January 20, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1102  

The YMCA of the USA Swimming & Diving 2017 Outstanding Athlete Award recognizes one male and one female for their excellence in academic achievement and commitment to healthy living and social responsibility through YMCA competitive swimming. The athlete award recipients will be announcement at the Championship. Criteria and Application form at link ....More

Thursday, January 19, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1552  

Officials and Timers: You are cordially invited to help us at the 2017 YMCA Short Course Swimming Championship Meet.

To properly conduct a championship meet of this magnitude requires a large number of officials to staff the deck each day. There is a need for YMCA Level I, YMCA Level II, and/or USA-S Officials each day at Preliminaries, Time Trials and Finals. All officials attending the meet are strongly encouraged to sign up to work at this meet.

Timer positions may also be available depending on the number of swim official volunteers. If you are experienced in timing, but are not an Certified Swim Official and would like to volunteer, we encourage you to do so.

The link of this article is to an MSWord invitation and pre-registration form. Download the document, fill in the form and then send the document to Robert Menck at rmenckiii@gmail.com ....More

Thursday, January 19, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1158  

College/University coaches are welcome at all YMCA National Swimming and Diving Championships. We encourage you to come and see the talent that can be the future of your swimming team. Entry and heat sheets are complimentary. Please pre-register. ....More

Thursday, January 19, 2017 For Coaches Only Visits: 1165  

DEADLINE: 3/17/2017: YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) recognizes the commitment a swimmer makes to training and competing in swimming and diving competitions. We realize the financial strain these competitions can have on families.  The YMCA of USA hopes to alleviate some of the financial pressures associated with participation by making financial assistance available to the parents/athlete to help support an athlete on local YMCA Financial Assistance with traveling to National Competitions (transportation and housing costs only) ....More

Thursday, January 5, 2017 For Everyone Visits: 1257  

Each team that participates in the meet must have a current and correct Certificate of Liability Insurance on file with the YMCA of the USA. Emails of certificates will be accepted FROM THE INSURANCE BROKER ONLY. Emails may be sent to Robin Lee at robin.lee@ymca.net. Certificates of Insurance may be faxed to 312-977-1134, HOWEVER, THE ORIGINAL MUST STILL BE SENT to YMCA of the USA, Attn: Insurance Manager, 101 North Wacker Dr., Chicago IL 60606 ....More

Thursday, December 8, 2016 For Coaches Only Visits: 1027  

The 2017 YMCA Short Course Nationals Championship Handbook (Meet Invitation) provides information for Coaches, Swimmers and Parents to prepare, enter, attend, and compete in the championship. The Handbook is a must-read for everyone attending the Championship. ....More

Tuesday, December 6, 2016 For Everyone Visits: 24029  

For Coaches - Event file for 2017 YMCA SC NATS Main Events - Updated 10/30/2016 ....More

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 For Coaches Only Visits: 3525  

For Coaches - Event file for 2017 YMCA SC NATS Time Trials  Updated 1/18/2017 ....More

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 For Coaches Only Visits: 1818  

2017 QUALIFYING TIMES (Click link)
2017 YMCA Short Course Nationals Time Standards and Time Trial Qualifying Times ....More

Friday, April 8, 2016 For Everyone Visits: 23258  

Hotel booking is open through YMCA Competitive Sports Housing by visiting the housing website or by calling the housing office at (888) 939-5945 or email competitivesportshousing@ymca.net. As always, reservations will be taken on a first come, first served basis, so we encourage you to book early to reserve your top choice hotels ....More

Tuesday, August 26, 2014 For Everyone Visits: 3939  

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