2018 YMCA Long Course National Championship
EPPLEY Recreation Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
July 30-Aug 3, 2018

Theme: Animation (cartoon characters, princesses, super heroes)

  Quick Links:  Home     Coaches      Officials      Trainers      Event History     



The YMCA of the USA is pleased to announce the 2018 YMCA Long Course National Championship will be held at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD beginning Monday July 30 through Friday August 3.

Address: 1115 Eppley Recreation Center, 4128 Valley Drive, College Park, Maryland 20742

This recently refurbished venue is conveniently within driving distance for many of our teams. The YMCA Long Course Championship was last held at the University of Maryland in 2010. We look forward to working again with the committed University staff who historically provide a high-quality meet experience for our athletes and families.

The University of Maryland is looking forward to welcoming the Y's youth athletes, coaches and families this summer. 

Monday, August 6, 2018 For Everyone

Awards photos are now available for purchase from our official photography company, ProSwim Visuals. Link goes directly to the YMCA Long Course Nationals section of their website. ....More

Monday, August 6, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 1170  

MEET RESULTS (Click link)

2018 YMCA Long Course Championship Meet Results, Photos, Live Video, On-demand Video, and more ....More

Monday, July 30, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 19037  


Seven records were broken in the 2018 YMCA Long Course National Championship ....More

Thursday, August 30, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 846  

Group picture of swim officials from 2018 YMCA long Course National Championship ....More

Monday, August 6, 2018 For Officials Visits: 668  

No changes to the times have been made for the 2019 YMCA Long Course Nationals Qualifying Times.  They are identical to the 2018 YMCA Long Course Nationals Qualifying Time.  

Saturday, August 4, 2018 For Everyone

UPDATE: The primary reason that the award ceremonies were canceled last night was the uncertainty of the weather.

At the time of the decision, it was unknown when the storm would pass and when we could allow swimmers back in the water for warm-ups. The decision was a collaborative decision between the meet committee, officials leadership and the coaches representatives with the primary objective of being able to complete the evening competition.

The meet committee recognizes and understands your disappointment that we could not complete the normal awards ceremonies.

Friday, August 3, 2018 For Everyone

SURVEY (Click link)

While the 2018 YMCA Long Course National Championship is over, one more task remains: To Take Our Survey!

Over 180 people volunteered their time to plan and run this championship. We now ask you to "volunteer" a few minutes of your time to give us your  feedback. Whether your opinion is favorable or critical of the championship, your ratings and comments are important to the Championship's continuous improvement. Your responses to the survey questions really do make a difference.  

We welcome everyone's feedback - from swimmers, officials, coaches, parents, and remote viewers. Tell us what you liked and what you want changed.

Link: click on the heading of this article above; PASSWORD IS: 9622

Thank you for your time ....More

Friday, August 3, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 1038  

The following teams have been selected for Proof of Times.  These teams should have received an email from Tom Warrick with the details on which entry times need to be proved.  If you are on the list below and have not received this email, contact Tom Warrick at twarrick@comcast.net

Teams Selected for Proof Of Times

  • Auglaize Mercer Counties YMCA
  • Carlisle Family YMCA
  • Chambersburg Memorial YMCA
  • Cheshire YMCA
  • Coffman Family YMCA
  • Geauga Branch YMCA
  • Glens Falls YMCA
  • Greater Spartanburg YMCA
  • Greenwich YMCA
  • Joliet YMCA
  • Lancaster and Fairfield YMCA
  • Laurel East Hartford  YMCA
  • Metuchen Edison YMCA
  • Phoenixville Branch YMCA
  • Powel Crosley Jr YMCA
  • Rapid Area YMCA
  • Regional YMCA of Western Connecticut
  • Ridgewood Branch OH YMCA
  • Ridgewood NJ YMCA
  • Schuylkill YMCA
  • Somerset Valley YMCA
  • Springfield Family YMCA

Thursday, July 26, 2018 For Everyone

FOR YOUR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY: The estimated end time for each day's Prelim & Final sessions are below (without Scratches and not including the time for relay awards in the evenings). As we post each day's heat sheets, revised projected event start and end times will be included.

Session Morning Session Estimated End Time Evening Session Estimated End Time
Day 1: Monday Evening - Free Relay --- 5:40 PM 
(starts at 5:15 PM)
Day 1: Monday Evening - 1500 Freestyle --- 8:10 PM
(starts at 5:45 PM)
Day 2: Tuesday 11:55 AM
(starts at 8:30 AM)
8:20 PM 
 (starts at 5:15 PM)
Day 3: Wednesday 12:30 PM
(starts at 8:30 AM)
8:05 PM 
(starts at 5:15 PM)
Day 4: Thursday 11:35 AM
(starts at 8:30 AM)
8:17 PM 
(starts at 5:15 PM)
Day 5: Friday 12:50 PM
(starts at 8:30 AM)
8:35 PM 
(starts at 5:15 PM)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018 For Everyone

PSYCH SHEET (Click link)
Unofficial Psych Sheet for 2018 YMCA Long Course Nationals.

If you see an entry time error, bring it to Coach Check-in in College Park. Missing swimmer(s), contact Tom at twarrick@comcast.net.

Parents/swimmers should direct all their comments to their coach. ONLY COACHES MAY CONTACT TOM WARRICK, Entry Chair ....More

Tuesday, July 24, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 5535  

Video services for the YMCA Long Course Championship are being provided by TAKE-IT-LIVE TV.  Live video streaming and on-demand video viewing are going to be available for all Prelim and Finals sessions.  Video of Time Trials is not available.  The video service are provided free of charge to remote viewers.  Links will be available on this web site prior to the beginning of competition on Monday (July 30) evening.

Saturday, July 21, 2018 For Everyone


All meet entry fees for Y-LCNats will be invoiced and paid through our National partner, TeamUnify. There will be no need to request a check through your YMCA or bring cash to the meet. The credit card that you used when completing the annual registration of your team will be automatically charged your entry fees after the entry deadline has passed. The credit card is the one that you have on file and used during team registration or requesting a sanction for a championship.

The invoice generation and charging of the credit card will not occur until after the Meet Entry Deadline (Monday 7/23).  You credit card will NOT be charged when you submit your entries.

Please ensure that this credit card has a transaction limit that is great enough to cover your meet entries fees and that the credit card will accept a total charge amount that is great enough for your meet entry fees and any other charges you have and plan to make.

TO MANAGE YOUR TeamUnify CREDIT CARD, refer to this Frequently Asked Questions: TeamUnify FAQ

Saturday, July 21, 2018 For Coaches Only

FAQ (Click link)

A perspective from our Championship Meet Committee athlete representatives:  Shannon Culbert and Susie Issenmann.

Is this your first time attending YMCA Long Course Nationals? Getting ready for Nationals can be very exciting, and the event is unlike any other competition you've competed in. Here are some frequently asked questions that might help you prepare for the event. ....More

Friday, July 13, 2018 For Swimmers Visits: 1184  

Parking permits are now available for purchase online and are valid in Terrapin Trail Garage, a short walk to Eppley Recreation Center.

NOTE: You must PRE-PURCHASE your parking permit online before you go to the Terrapin Trail GarageNo onsite-sales will be available. 

After purchasing, please print your permit and present to the parking attendant at the entrance to Terrapin Trail Garage. Signs will guide you.

Parking is free in the Terrapin Trail Garage on Saturday and Sunday

Link to: Detailed Parking Information Document

Permits are required 7am-4pm Mon-Fri in all lots on campus. Some lots become free after 4pm. You can go to http://www.transportation.umd.edu for more info.

If you do not purchase an online permit in advance, you will have to park in a public metered parking space. Meter rates are $3/hr.
  • All Week Terrapin Trail Garage Parking Permit - $40 Valid in TTG Mon-Fri 
  • Single Day Parking Permit - $12/day -   Valid in TTG Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 
  • Bus and RV Parking Permit - $40/day  -  Valid in lot 4b near Xfinity Center

Saturday, July 7, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 2099  

ProSwim Visuals provides action photography by reservation only, one swimmer per heat, first-come, first-served. Reservations are $40 and include two heats (individual or relay) of coverage and a $20 online credit that will automatically apply toward any order made when proofs are posted after the meet. Additional reservations are $10 per heat. ....More

Thursday, July 5, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 771  

Coaches: Competition Warm-up schedule for Prelims and Finals: 2018 YMCA Long Course Nationals ....More

Friday, June 29, 2018 For Coaches Only Visits: 1320  

The 2018 YMCA Long Course Nationals Championship Handbook (aka, Meet Invitation) provides information for Coaches, Swimmers and Parents to prepare, enter, attend, and compete in the championship. The Handbook is a must-read for everyone attending the Championship.

Updated 6/28/2018 with the following changes: Safe Sport Requirements, USA-S Approval Numbers, Parking Information, Dorm Lodging information, Updated Time Trial numbers ....More

Friday, June 29, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 4908  

Important 2018 LC Nats Championship meet operations information for Coaches ....More

Thursday, June 28, 2018 For Coaches Only Visits: 887  

Advanced sales of a Meet Sponsorship and ONLY ALL SESSIONS Admission Wristbands 

SPECTATOR ADMISSION: Pre-order your spectator ALL-SESSION admission wristbands through the link above. All-sessions admission wristbands includes entry into the spectator stands for Monday night through Friday prelims and final sessions. Time Trials session are free to attend. A Heat Sheet Program is included with each admission wristband.

Individual sessions or individual day spectator Admission Wristbands can be purchased at the meet. A Heat Sheet Program is included with each adult session or day admission

CHAMPIONSHIP SPONSOR: Sponsor the championship for $50 (WITH or without any all-session admission purchases). Sponsorships help to provide travel assistance for swimmers in need. 

Note: Advanced sales close at 12 midnight on Thursday July 26, 2018.  After this date, ALL Sessions Admission tickets can be purchased at the meet. ....More

Wednesday, June 27, 2018 For Spectators Visits: 1735  

For Coaches Only: List of Insurance Certificate expiration dates. Coaches, please make sure your YMCA has an insurance certificate on file at the YMCA of USA that covers the period through Aug 4, 2017 ....More

Wednesday, June 27, 2018 For Coaches Only Visits: 977  


As you may be aware, new federal legislation has expanded requirements around sexual abuse prevention for organizations that arrange amateur athletic competitions for minors.

To ensure compliance with all applicable laws, and to continue to strengthen our ability to protect youth in our care from abuse, ALL coaches and volunteers/officials participating in the YMCA of the USA (Y-USA)'s Long Course National Championship in 2018, must take the following steps to ensure policies and procedures for abuse prevention and reporting align with the law. Subject to parental consent, the training will also be made available to minor members if they are working/volunteering at the event.
  • REQUIRED TRAINING: For coaches and volunteers/officials, who do not have access to an approved training through Safe Sport, USA Swimming or their local Y,  must take this required training at Praesidium.  Please use the following registration code to access the training: yusa_swim. 
    • Officials who are USA-S certified officials or coaches who are USA-S registered coaches do not need to take the Praesidium Training since they are required to take an approved training under USA-S policy.  Note: these individuals must still read and acknowledgement the YUSA CODE OF CONDUCT (see below).
    • See attached quick start guide for any questions regarding the Praesidium training.  Link to: Quick Start 
  • REQUIRED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: All Coaches and volunteers/officials must read and provide an electronic signature to acknowledge they have read and understood the YMCA of the USA Long Course National Championship 2018 Code of Conduct.
Please note that coaches or volunteers/officials will not be allowed on deck or to assist with the event unless they have completed the training and acknowledged the YUSA Code of Conduct in our system.

If you have any questions about the policy, please email aquatics@ymca.net.

REMINDER: Background Screening Policy

  • COACHES -All coaches attending the Championship must have cleared a background screening within the past 2 years. This background screening is the responsibility of the coach and his/her YMCA and will be verified by the signature of the executive director or CEO on the team's Meet Declaration Form. Currently registered members of USA-S will have already met this requirement.
  • VOLUNTEERS/OFFICIALS/TIMERS -Each Volunteer, Official and Timer is subject to a background check to be performed by the Championship Meet Committee at no cost to the individual.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 1064  


Procedure to access the University of Maryland GUEST WiFi for access to the Internet ....More

Saturday, June 23, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 945  


Don't forget to purchase commemorative apparel items from this year's YMCA LONG COURSE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! The YMCA of USA is proud to have our new partner Metro Swim Shop provide this year's apparel. There will be lots to choose from onsite at the meet, but don't hesitate to shop ahead in the comfort of your home. ....More

Friday, June 22, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 1358  

Parking spaces on the University of Maryland campus are a scarce resource.   Several hotels in the area offer shuttle service to areas on campus including the Eppley Recreation center.  You might consider leaving your car at your hotel and taking a shuttle or walking to the pool if you are staying in one of the on-campus hotels.

The primary parking location for coaches, spectators and volunteers is the six story Terrapin Parking Garage which is less than a five-minute walk to the pool.

The cost of parking for the Terrapin Parking Garage is $12 for the day or $40 for the week (Monday thru Friday).  There is no fee for parking in the Terrapin Parking Garage on Sunday.  Persons with a parking pass for this lot will be permitted to enter leave and re-enter multiple times in the same day. 

The only way to park in this garage is to "PRE-PURCHASE A DAILY OR WEEKLY PARKING PASS ONLINE."  The attendant will only allow a car with a pre-purchased parking permit to enter the garage.  Anyone arriving at the Terrapin Parking Garage without a printed copy of their pre-purchased Parking pass will be redirected to one of several visitors lots on Campus.   Note: you cannot purchase parking passes/permits at the parking garage. They must be purchase online before you get to the garage.

All of these alternative visitor lots are a further walking distance from the pool and the metered parking cost will be $3 per hour.  Metered parking is obviously more expensive than the $12 all-day parking fee for the Terrapin Parking Garage

Once in the garage, you must leave your parking permit on your dashboard.  Any cars found in the Terrapin Parking Garage (Monday-Friday) without a valid parking pass on their dash are liable for a $75 ticket.   If the Terrapin Garage becomes full you will be redirected to the flat lot 4S north of the Terrapin Garage.  You will be permitted to park in lot 4S by displaying your parking pass on your dash.

There is a designated Drop-off area for swimmers in the front of the Eppley Recreation Center on Farm Drive. 

Buses and or vehicles that cannot negotiate the 7' 2'' ceiling clearance must purchase the oversize vehicle parking pass which will cost $40 per day.  Oversized vehicles will park in the flat lot 4S north of the Terrapin Garage.  Note: Due to limited space for large vehicles, the university encourages buses to use the drop off area and then leave the campus to park their bus.

People with a valid handicap tag will be allowed to park in a group of handicap parking spaces to the left and right of the main entrance of the Rec Center (Farm Drive and Valley Drive.)  Handicap spaces are also available in the Terrapin Garage.  You may pre-order a parking pass and display it on your dash at the handicap spot or pay by the hour at the meter associated with the handicap space.  In addition to the parking pass, you must have a handicap license plate or handicap hang tag.

Note: if you have attended previous YMCA National Championships that were held at Eppley Rec Center, you are probably familiar with the parking lots that were behind and left to the Rec Center.  These parking lots no longer exist.  Although there is still a very small circled area, DO NOT DROP OFF SWIMMERS IN THIS AREA.  The buses and other vehicles may not be able to navigate the small area.

The link to Pre-purchase Parking Permits is: Pre-Purchase Parking Permits


Wednesday, June 20, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 588  

MAPS (Click link)

Four Maps to help orient swimmers, coaches, and parents to the University of Maryland and the Eppley Recreation Center: Campus Map,  Eppley Rec Center Area Map, Eppley Rec Center Building Overview Map, Pool Map ....More

Saturday, June 16, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 969  

DORM LODGING (Click link)

University of Maryland has made 100 beds (50 rooms) available in the Bel Air student dorm for YMCA LCNats.  The Bel Air is immediately across the street from Eppley Recreation Center (i.e The Pool).

The dorm is traditional-style with bedrooms along a corridor and shared floor baths. Floors are co-ed. Bathrooms are single gender. Linen is provided. Rooms are air-conditioned.

The cost is $100/night double occupancy; $70/night single occupancy.  Housing is available to athletes, coaches and parents.

Deadline for reservation is July 22, 2018, 11:59 p.m. EST.

This is a great opportunity for economical lodging for small and large teams. that also eliminates the need for daily transportation to the pool and associated parking fees.   ....More

Wednesday, June 13, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 1303  


Coaches: Athlete volunteers enrich the YMCA Nationals experience and are a special part of the YMCA Long Course National Swimming Championship. If you have a swimmer or group of swimmers interested in participating in color guard, water banner, National Anthem, or devotion during the prelims or finals, please see the attached information and application form. Note: Attachment is a MSWORD Document.  Deadline for application submission is July 24, 2018 ....More

Monday, June 4, 2018 For Coaches Only Visits: 634  

HOUSING: 2018 YMCA LC NATS (Click link)

Y-USA is pleased to announce a large selection of hotel options with varied room rates. With affordability in mind, we have partnered with the local hotel community to lower overall travel costs for participants, their families and coaches. Please note the deadline to reserve the rooms at these reduced rates may vary from hotel to hotel. Please plan to reserve your room no later than June 25.

We are also exploring dorm housing options with the University. Please check back in a few weeks for an update. ....More

Sunday, June 3, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 1258  

For Coaches: All Championship meet entries must be made through the YMCA Online Meet Entry System - Entry Deadline is Monday July 23, 2018 at 5:00pm ET  ....More

Sunday, June 3, 2018 For Coaches Only Visits: 2034  

For Coaches: YMCA Long Course Nationals Online Meet Entry for TIME TRIALS. Time trials are only open to swimmers participating in YMCA Nationals. Time trials entry is separate from the Main Championship entry. Entry Deadline is Monday July 23, 2018 at 5:00pm (ET) ....More

Sunday, June 3, 2018 For Coaches Only Visits: 1284  

For Coaches: Event file for main championship events.  Entry deadline is Monday July 23 at 5:00pm.  UPDATED: 7/4/2018 to correct an issue with the 800 Free ....More

Sunday, June 3, 2018 For Coaches Only Visits: 1811  

For Coaches: Event file for TeamManager/TeamUnify for the LCNats Time Trial Events.  Only participants of the Long Course National Championship may enter these Time Trial Events.  Entry Deadline is 7/23/2018 at 5:00pm ....More

Sunday, June 3, 2018 For Coaches Only Visits: 879  


To cover the Championship and provide pictures, volunteer photographers are needed. If you are interested, and willing to take picture to post on our web site during the Championship, please read and complete the linked application form. Note: Form is a Microsoft WORD document ....More

Friday, May 25, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 685  


DEADLINE: 7/14/2018: YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) recognizes the commitment a swimmer makes to training and competing in swimming and diving competitions. We realize the financial strain these competitions can have on families. The YMCA of USA hopes to alleviate some of the financial pressures associated with participation by making financial assistance available to the parents/athlete to help support an athlete on local YMCA Financial Assistance with traveling to National Competitions (transportation and housing costs only) ....More

Friday, May 25, 2018 For Coaches Only Visits: 701  


College/University coaches are welcome at all YMCA National Swimming and Diving Championships. We encourage you to come and see the talent that can be the future of your swimming team. Entry and heat sheets are complimentary. Please pre-register. ....More

Thursday, May 24, 2018 For Coaches Only Visits: 789  

These forms are automatically generated during the Online Entry process. These templates are provided in the event you did not receive them during your Meet Entry process ....More

Thursday, May 24, 2018 For Coaches Only Visits: 667  


Initial draft of Schedule of Activities.  An update will be made to the location of several of the activities in the next several weeks.  Updated 6/28/2018 ....More

Thursday, May 24, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 2737  

Officials and Timers: You are cordially invited to help us at the 2018 YMCA Long Course Swimming Championship Meet.

To properly conduct a championship meet of this magnitude requires a large number of officials to staff the deck each day. There is a need for YMCA Level I, YMCA Level II, and/or USA-S Officials each day at Preliminaries, Time Trials and Finals. All officials attending the meet are strongly encouraged to sign up to work at this meet.

Timer positions may also be available depending on the number of swim official volunteers. If you are experienced in timing, but are not an Certified Swim Official and would like to volunteer, we encourage you to do so.

The link of this article is to an MSWord invitation and pre-registration form. Download the document, fill in the form and then send the document to Rick Carson at rickcarson209@gmail.com ....More

Thursday, May 24, 2018 For Officials Visits: 817  


The theme for the Parade of Athletes is "Animation". Athletes are invited to dress-up as their favorite animated character (e.g. princesses, super heroes, cartoon characters, etc.) for the parade. The parade will be held as part of the opening ceremonies before Tuesday's Finals session.

Saturday, May 19, 2018 For Everyone



This training program will be held on July 29-30, 2018. Note: this training is only for Trainer Candidates

Facilitation Skills for Swim Officials Trainers will be held on July 29 from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM at "The Hotel at the University of Maryland"

Swim Officials Trainer Training will be held after Facilitation Skills from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at "The Hotel at the University of Maryland".

Class Training will involve actually teaching segments of the Level I or Level II program.  This will take place on July 30 at "The Hotel at the University of Maryland". The session will run from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM.

The prerequisites for this program can be found on the website. Registration for this program must be completed by no later than Friday, July 13, 2018. Registration is accomplished by e-mailing the lead trainer, Ed Miller (caefmilleriii@msn.com) and then completing a Trainer Application form obtained from Bridgett Zeitler at Y-USA (bridgett.zeitler@ymca.net).


Clinic will be offered for prospective new Level I officials as well as existing Level I officials needing to renew their certifications. The program will be held at "The Hotel at the University of Maryland" on Monday, July 30 from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM. To register for this clinic, contact the lead trainer, Judy Sharkey (jmsharkey@aol.com). Re-certifying officials must bring a copy of their meet experience record with them evidencing the meet sessions worked d the prior three year certification period.


This clinic will be offered for prospective new Level II officials as well as existing Level II officials needing to renew their certifications. The program will be held at "The Hotel at the University of Maryland" on Monday, July 30 from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM. To register for this clinic, contact the lead trainer, Chris Jung (chrisleexx@aol.com).  New and Re-certifying officials must bring a copy of their meet experience record with them evidencing the meet sessions worked over the prior three year certification period.

 "The Hotel at the University of Maryland" is located at 7777 Baltimore Ave, College Park, MD.

Saturday, May 19, 2018 For Officials

2018 YMCA Long Course Time Trial Qualifying Times. 
Note: only participants of the 2018 YMCA Long Course Nationals are eligible to enter these Time Trials ....More

Monday, May 7, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 1551  

2018 YMCA Long Course Nationals Qualifying Standards ....More

Thursday, February 8, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 13717  

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