2019 YMCA Long Course National Championship
EPPLEY Recreation Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
July 30-Aug 3, 2019 (Tuesday thru Saturday)

Theme: My Wonderful State

  Quick Links:  Home     Coaches      Officials      Trainers      Event History     



SURVEY IS CLOSED...Thank your for your feedback

While the 2019 YMCA Long Course National Championship is now over, one more important task remains: To Take Our Survey!

Over 150 people volunteered their time to plan and run this championship. We now ask you to "volunteer" a few minutes of your time to give us your  feedback. Whether your opinion is favorable or critical of the championship, your ratings and comments are important to the Championship's continuous improvement. Your responses to the survey questions really do make a difference.  

We welcome everyone's feedback - from swimmers, officials, coaches, parents, and remote viewers. Tell us what you liked and what you want changed.

Link: click on the heading of this article above; PASSWORD IS: 9622 Thank you for your time

Thursday, August 1, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 771  


Site Announcement

Following the completion of the 2018 YMCA Long Course National Championship Meet, the YMCA of the USA and the Meet Committee have been working to identify the best location for the 2019 meet. We explored multiple options, and a number of facilities were contacted and a group of meet volunteers and Y staff conducted site visits at potential facilities.

We understand the frustration the delay in announcing the dates and location has been for all concerned.  That being said, the YMCA is committed to running an excellent, safe, efficient and rewarding event for the athletes, coaches, families and volunteers, and we wanted to make a decision based on high confidence that a facility would be fully able to partner with us to do so.

We are now able to announce that the 2019 YMCA Long Course National Championship Meet will be held July 30 through August 3 (Tuesday - Saturday) at the University of Maryland - Eppley Recreation Center in College Park, MD.

Much due diligence has been done to identify solutions to problems which occurred last year.  This year changes will include:

  • An aggressive turnover of air within the facility
  • Showers on Deck for swimmers to use prior to entering the pools
  • A larger Athlete Village
  • An updated Audio System to improve clarity for announcements (on the deck and in the spectator stands)
  • Backstroke Wedges
  • Tuesday start for meet in order to accommodate additional entries from meets occurring on the preceding weekend.
We hope you will join us this summer for the 34th YMCA Long Course National Championship Meet.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019 For Everyone


Change in Starting Locations for Preliminary Sessions:

In previous years, we have started most preliminary events from both ends of the pool using a chase start protocol. This year we are starting all heats of preliminary events at one end of the pool:
  • The 50 Meter events will start at the diving board end of pool
  • All other events will start at the Instructional pool end of the pool
  • At the finish all swimmers will remain in the water until the next heat has started using flyover starts (except 50-meter events, backstroke events and medley relays).
This change has been made to enable our ability to conduct the meet in a Championship manner with a smaller team of officials and timers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019 For Everyone




To ensure compliance with all Safe Sport laws and regulations and to continue to strengthen our ability to protect youth in our care from abuse, ALL coaches, volunteers/officials, and competing athletes age 18 and older must complete the following steps to participate in the YMCA Long Course National Championship. 
  • COMPLETE ANNUAL TRAINING: ALL coaches and volunteers/officials, and athletes participating in the YMCA of the USA (Y-USA)'s National Championship, must have taken an approved  training course from Safe Sport, USA Swimming LEARN, Safe Sport training provided at their local YMCA or Praesidium since August 3 2018 (the past 12 months)
    • To take the free online child protection training and mandated reporter training at Praesidium, use registration code: yusa_swim to access the training.  Link to Praesidium Quick Start Guide
    • Remember to keep a copy of your training completion certificate from the class you took.  You will need to present a copy of this to attend YMCA National Championships
  • SIGN & ACKNOWLEDGE CODE OF CODE OF CONDUCT: All Coaches, volunteers/officials, and athletes 18 and over must read and sign the YMCA of the USA's National Championship Code of Conduct
  • PRESENT DOCUMENTS at CHECK-IN: All attending/participating coaches, volunteers/officials, and athletes 18 and over will need to present their training completion certificate and the complete 4 pages with their signature of the Code of Conduct.  See FAQ on Approved Training Complete Certificates

    • Coaches and athletes (18 and over) will present their documents at Coach/Team Check-in.  
    • Officials will present their documents during officials check-in, 
    • Volunteers will present their documents to the Meet Volunteer coordinator or the Officials Coordinator at check-in
REMINDER: Background Screening Policy

  • COACHES -All coaches attending the Championship must have cleared a background screening within the past 2 years. This background screening is the responsibility of the coach and his/her YMCA and will be verified by the signature of the executive director or CEO on the team's Meet Declaration Form. Currently registered members of USA-S may have already met this requirement.
  • VOLUNTEERS/OFFICIALS/TIMERS -Each Volunteer, Official and Timer is subject to a background check to be performed by the Championship Meet Committee at no cost to the individual.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 1015  


The 2019 YMCA Long Course Nationals Championship Handbook (aka, Meet Invitation) provides information for Coaches, Swimmers and Parents to prepare, enter, attend, and compete in the championship. The Handbook is a must-read for everyone attending the Championship. ....More

Sunday, May 26, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 3683  



Link to ProSwim Visuals, the 2019 YMCA Long Course Nationals photographer.  Photographer has award ceremony pictures for purchase ....More

Monday, August 5, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 654  

A number of people have asked the question, "What happened last night that caused the delay to the start of the meet?"

Bottom-line, it was the starting system/console equipment. This equipment records the start and finish timing details for each swimmer in the heat.  Prior to warm-up in the competition pool, the console was extensively tested and everything worked perfectly.  

When the meet was about to start, there was another test of the system.  During this test, it appeared as though there was a problem with a cable connection.  Initially, it was thought that during warm-up, a cable was kicked and disconnected. After investigating and trying a few possible solutions, it was determine that the problem was not with the cable connection but with the console itself.  The console was replaced with a backup console, all cables reconnected, the console was reload with the meet details and all the equipment checked out again.  Everything finally worked and the meet started.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019 For Everyone

Receive email updates as new information is posted on the web site ....More

Sunday, July 28, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 856  


Several updates for coaches

  • ATHLETE VOLUNTEERS - If you have a swimmer or group of swimmers interested in participating in color guard, water banner, National Anthem, or devotion during the prelims or finals, please contact Meredith Griffin at mgriffin@cincinnatiymca.org. Currently we have only a very small number of athlete volunteers. See web site for more details
  • OFFICIALS AND EXPERIENCED TIMERS- We continue to have a need for Officials (Level I and II) and experienced timers to support the officiating needs of the Championship. Please have your attending parents volunteers their services. See more details on the web site.
  • TIME TRIALS - The Online Time Trials entries has been exceptionally good this year. As a result of the number of pre-entered Time Trials and the limited time to run Time Trials, we will be unable to accept additional Time Trials deck entries for Day 3 (Thursday ) and Day 5 (Saturday). Please plan accordingly. Your online Time Trial entries are expected to be good unless there is some overriding weather, pool, or Prelim meet operations issue
  • ATHLETE VILLAGE SPILLS - The Rec Center asks that if the teams and coaches could notify Rec Center staff of any spills or messes in the Athlete Village. This way the Rec Center staff can clean it up as quickly as possible. We will have floor covers down in the entire gym but want to keep it as clean as possible. (Nothing worse than a spilled soda sitting on the floor all day with ground-up goldfish in it. 😊 )
  • CIRCLE OF CHAIRS IN ATHLETE VILLAGE - Swimmers are welcome to bring chairs into the Athlete Village as they did last year. However, the teams cannot put their chairs into a large circle and then zip-tie them all together. The fire marshal had big safety concerns last year and will not allow it this year. This needs to be a point of emphasis.

  • BLOCKING OF DOORWAYS - Swimmer can not sit directly in front of doorways and emergency exits. Athletes need to sit a distance away from standard and emergency exits and leave a defined alleyway in the space where there are no obstructions. This is fire marshal requirement.

Sunday, July 28, 2019 For Coaches Only


Meet results, links to competition videos, meet photos, social media links.

Now includes Full printable Results and for COACHES-ONLY meet results files and meet backup files

Friday, July 26, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 15820  

This map shows routes through the UMD campus from Rt 193 and Campus Drive to drop off people at the Eppley Rec Center and then to proceed to the parking Lot #1. 

The map also shows routes from the Rt 193 and Campus Drive directly to the parking Lot #1. 

Remember: Parking Lot #1 is our designated parking area.  Parking tickets must be pre-purchased.  See article on web site regarding Pre-purchasing PARKING tickets ....More

Friday, July 26, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 9931  


Coach - "Additional Entries" are allowed from meets that are contested from the initial entry deadline of July 22 to Sunday July 28.  Entry deadline for "Additional Entries" is Sunday July 28 at Midnight.

Reminder: New swimmers who qualify from meets held between July 22nd and July 28th are permitted. New swimmers who had qualified from meets prior to July 22 are not allowed.  New qualifying events for existing entered swimmers are allowed. Updating seed times for events previously entered for swimmers are not allowed.  Teams must have entered the meet prior to July 22 to be eligible for "Additional Entries" ....More

Friday, July 26, 2019 For Coaches Only Visits: 572  

MAPS (Click link)
Four maps: Campus overview, Rec Center outside area overview,
Rec Center interior overview, pool deck.

NOTE: 7/29/19 - Pool map changed to reflect correct event start positions 
NOTE: 7/26/19 - Maps changed to reflect Vendors will be in Gym on Level 0
NOTE: 7/13/19 - maps change to reflect vendors have been moved to outside of Swimmer/Coaches pool entrance rather than adjacent to Athlete Village on Level 0


Friday, July 26, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 779  


The YMCA of the USA has contracted with One World Transport to provide Shuttle Service between the Pool and our assigned parking lot at the University of Maryland.

This service is available to coaches, spectators, officials, parents, volunteers, and driving swimmers. 

The shuttles will run continuously between 5:45 AM and 9:30 PM on all competition days (Tuesday through Saturday). On Monday, the open practice day, the shuttles will run from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM.

During periods of expected high usage multiple shuttles will be employed. Our expectation is the shuttles will depart from the Shuttle Stops every 8 to 15 minutes depending on the time of day.

The Shuttle Stop in Parking Lot#1 and the Shuttle Stop in front of the Eppley Recreation Center will be identifiable as the canopy tent with the signage "Shuttle Stop for Y Swim Meet" attached.

When transporting vehicle passengers to the meet, we strongly urge that your passengers be dropped off and picked up at the designated drop off location in front of the Eppley Recreation Center and that only the vehicle driver utilize the shuttle. This will increase the efficiency of the Shuttle Service for all users.

In order to provide adequate supervision, we realize athletes on small teams with only one coach may need to utilize the shuttle; this is permitted but for the benefit of all shuttle riders, we expect this to be the exception, not the rule. We encourage coaches of small teams to seek opportunities to pair together with other coaches to chaperone their swimmers while parking their car.

The performance of the Shuttle Service will be monitored and will be adjusted if necessary.

Thursday, July 25, 2019 For Everyone


The YMCA of the USA has contracted with One World Transport to provide Shuttle Service between the Pool and our assigned parking lot at the University of Maryland.

This service is available to coaches, spectators, officials, parents, volunteers, and driving swimmers. 

REMINDER:  Parking Lot #1 requires a Pre-purchased Parking pass - daily $12, weekly $40. Link to purchase Parking Passes

The shuttles will run continuously between 5:45 AM and 9:30 PM on all competition days (Tuesday through Saturday). On Monday, the open practice day, the shuttles will run from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM.

During periods of expected high usage multiple shuttles will be employed. Our expectation is the shuttles will depart from the Shuttle Stops every 8 to 15 minutes depending on the time of day.

The Shuttle Stop in Parking Lot#1 and the Shuttle Stop at Eppley Recreation Center will be identifiable by the canopy tent with the signage "Shuttle Stop for Y Swim Meet" attached.

When transporting vehicle passengers to the meet, we strongly urge that your passengers be dropped off and picked up at the designated drop off location in front of the Eppley Recreation Center and that only the vehicle driver utilize the shuttle. This will increase the efficiency of the Shuttle Service for all users.

In order to provide adequate supervision, we realize athletes on small teams with only one coach may need to utilize the shuttle; this is permitted but for the benefit of all shuttle riders, we expect this to be the exception, not the rule. We encourage coaches of small teams to seek opportunities to pair together with other coaches to chaperone their swimmers while parking their car.

The performance of the Shuttle Service will be monitored and will be adjusted if necessary.

Thursday, July 25, 2019 For Everyone

The following teams have been randomly selected to prove specific entry times.  Coaches: If your team is on the list below but you have not received an email from Tom Warrick, please contact Tom at twarrick@comcast.net

Y-Num         YMCAName State
0964 Farmington Valley Branch YMCA CT
1580 Sage YMCA IL
1743 Kishwaukee Family YMCA IL
2537 Bath Area Family YMCA ME
3031 Rapid Area YMCA MI
3729 Wyckoff Family YMCA Inc NJ
4795 Auglaize Mercer Counties YMCA OH
5083 Lancaster and Fairfield YMCA OH
5222 Fort Meigs YMCA OH
5549 Chambersburg Memorial YMCA PA
5781 Ridley Area YMCA PA
5985 Kennett Area YMCA PA
5986 West Chester Area YMCA PA

Wednesday, July 24, 2019 For Coaches Only


FOR YOUR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY: The unofficial estimated end time for each day's Prelim & Final sessions are below (calculated without scratches). As we post each day's heat sheets, revised projected event end times will be included. 

Session Morning Session Estimated End Time Evening Session Estimated End Time
Day 1: Tuesday Evening - 200 Free Relay ---  5:40 PM 
(starts at 5:15 PM)
Day 1: Tuesday Evening - 1500 Freestyle --- 8:40 PM
(starts at 5:15 PM)
Day 2: Wednesday 12:00 PM Noon
(starts at 8:30 AM)
8:20 PM 
 (starts at 5:15 PM)
Day 3: Thursday 12:15 PM
(starts at 8:30 AM)
8:10 PM 
(starts at 5:15 PM)
Day 4: Friday 11:40 AM
(starts at 8:30 AM)
8:15 PM 
(starts at 5:15 PM)
Day 5: Saturday 1:30 PM
(starts at 8:30 AM)
8:45 PM 
(starts at 5:15 PM)

Tuesday, July 23, 2019 For Coaches Only



Parking spaces on the University of Maryland campus are a scarce resource.   Several hotels in the area offer shuttle service to areas on campus including the Eppley Recreation center.  You might consider leaving your car at your hotel and taking a shuttle or walking to the pool if you are staying in one of the on-campus hotels.


The primary parking location for coaches, spectators and volunteers is Lot 1 which is located on the southwest side of the football stadium.  It is approximately a ten-minute walk from the parking lot to the pool.  


The cost of parking in Lot 1 is $12 for the day or $40 for the week (Monday thru Friday).  There is no fee for parking in Lot 1 on Saturday.  Persons with a parking pass for this lot will be permitted to enter, leave and re-enter multiple times in the same day. 


There is a designated Drop-off area for passengers in front of the Eppley Recreation Center on Farm Drive. 


The only way to park in Lot 1 is to "Pre-Purchase a Daily or Weekly Parking Pass Online."  The attendant will only allow a car with a pre-purchased parking permit to enter the lot.  Anyone arriving at Lot 1 without a printed copy of their pre-purchased Parking pass will be redirected to one of several visitor lots on Campus.   Note: you cannot purchase parking passes/permits at the parking lot. They must be purchased online before you get to the lot. All of these alternative visitor lots are a further walking distance from the pool and the metered parking cost will be $3 per hour.  In most cases, Metered parking is more expensive than the $12 all-day parking fee for the Lot 1.

Once in the lot, you must leave your parking permit on your dashboard.  Any cars found in Lot 1 (Monday-Friday) without a valid parking pass on their dash are liable for a $75 ticket.   


People with a valid handicap tag will be allowed to park in a group of handicap parking spaces to the left and right of the main entrance of the Recreation Center (Farm Drive and Valley Drive.)  Handicap spaces are also available in Lot 1.  You may pre-order a parking pass and display it on your dash at the handicap spot or pay by the hour at the meter associated with the handicap space.  In addition to the parking pass, you must have a handicap license plate or handicap hang tag.

The title of this article is the link to purchase tickets


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 1894  



  • The following paperwork is required at Coach Check-in:  Teams will not be allowed to complete Coach check-in (i.e. compete in the meet) until all required paperwork is provided.  More information is available on this web site.
    • SWIMMERS: All swimmers 18 and older must complete the online SAFE SPORT training and provide a signed 4-page YMCA Code of Conduct and proof of taking the training class within the past 12 months.  Paperwork must be provided at Coach Check-in.  The head coach can provide swimmer(s) paperwork.  The swimmer(s) do not need go to Coach Check-in
    • SWIMMERS: All swimmers must have a signed parent consent form.  The form was generated when entries were submitted and must be provided at Coach Check-in at Station 5 when you pick up the your coach shirts and swimmer bags 
    • TEAM: Each team must email/fax/bring their signed declaration form that was generated when their entries were submitted.  You can see the status of your submitted Declaration form on the web site
    • TEAM: Each team must have a valid insurance policy with expiration date after Aug 3, 2019 on file at YUSA in Chicago.  For those teams with expiration dates expiring in July 31, please present a copy of the renewed insurance policy at Coach Check-in.  You can see your insurance expiration date on file at YUSA on the web site
    • COACHES: All coaches attending the meet must complete SAFE SPORT training and provide their signed 4-page YMCA Code of Conduct and proof of taking the training class within the past 12 months. All coaches must sign and provide a photo release form that was generated when entries were submitted 
    • COACHES: All coaches must have a successful background check performed within the last 24 months.  No proof/paperwork needs to be provide at the meet
  • PAYMENT OF FEES: Team entry fee to LCNats and their Time Trial entry fee will be invoice and submitted for payment to the credit card on file in their TeamUNIFY system.  This is the same credit card that is used for the annual team fees and sanction meet fees.  Please make sure that this credit card is valid through August 3, 2019 and has a credit limit that can handle the entry fee charges.  Any additional entries submitted after the primary deadline ("Additional Entries") will also be invoiced and charged again the TeamUnify stored credit card
  • PAYING BY CHECK: If your team prefers to pay their entry fees via YMCA check, please send Tom Warrick an email at twarrick@comcast.net immediately
  • CHASE STARTS: Hopefully, you have seen the message that we will not be doing Chase-Starts this year
  • OFFICIALS AND TIMERS: Please help us staff this championship.  Ask your experienced timers and/or officials who will be attending YMCA LCNats to volunteer to help us.   Have them contact Rick Carson at rickcarson209@gmail.com for further information
  • WEB SITE: Please make sure that you frequently visit and share this web site link with your LCNats swimmers and parents: http://ymca.ymcaswimminganddiving.org/2019LC

Tuesday, July 23, 2019 For Coaches Only


Unofficial Psych Sheet for 2019 YMCA Long Course National Championship. If you see an entry time error, bring it to Coach Check-in at the EPPLEY Rec Center. Missing swimmer(s), contact Tom at twarrick@comcast.net. Parents/swimmers should direct all their comments to their coach. ONLY COACHES MAY CONTACT TOM WARRICK, Entry Chair.

Due the "Additional Entry" period that ends on Sunday, the psych sheet will change based on potentially new swimmers and new qualifying events for previous entered swimmers.   ....More

Tuesday, July 23, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 3942  

Important 2019 LC Nats Championship meet operations information for Coaches ....More

Saturday, July 20, 2019 For Coaches Only Visits: 835  

Late Notice - Dorm Rooms Available
  • Single Occupancy Room (w/ linen): $70/night
  • Double Occupancy Room (w/ linen): $100/night
  • One (1) Bed in Double Occ. Room (w/ linen): $50/night
  • Parking Permit: $14/day
  • 70 available spaces  

Contact: Jennifer Lee Arseneault at jarsen17@umd.edu

Send the following information to her:
  • YMCA Name: _____
  • Authorized Representatives: _____
  • Address: _____
  • Arrival Date: _____
  • Departure Date: _____
  • Number of Attendees: Youth: _____, Adult: _____ (one adult chaperone per 15 youth is required)
  • Number of Single-Occupancy Rooms: _____
  • Number of Double-Occupancy Rooms: _____
  • Expected Check-In Time: _____
  • Expected Check-Out Time: _____

Saturday, July 20, 2019 For Coaches Only


For Coaches: Warm-up schedule and procedures for Prelims and Finals: 2019 YMCA Long Course Nationals ....More

Thursday, July 18, 2019 For Coaches Only Visits: 637  

We understand the change this year to use Lot #1 for parking requires a longer walk to the Eppley Rec Center pool. 

We suggest that as the driver of a car or van, you drop off all your passengers at the swimmer drop-off area in front of the Rec Center and then drive to lot #1 to park.

We are in the process of working through details to have a shuttle bus/van running during periods of the day when people will be arriving and departing from the pool.  Most likely seating will be limited in the shuttles which is why we are suggesting you drop off passengers first.

As details become available, we will provide this information on planning and using the shuttle service as an update on this web site.

Thursday, July 18, 2019 For Everyone


ProSwim Visuals is the official photographer for the meet.  Their specialty is action photos but they also take team photos and photos of the award ceremony swimmers.  Requests/ reservations for photos can be made online or taken at the their reservation desk at the meet. The link above is to their online reservation system.  

Action photos are by reservation only.  Due to the photography process, Proswim is only able to handle one swimmer per event heat.  Reservations will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Action Photo reservations are $40 and include two heats (individual or relay) of coverage and a $20 online credit that will automatically apply toward any order you make when proofs are posted after the meet. Additional heats can be photographed for $10 per heat.  More information about Proswim's Action Photo reservation process can be found at How Does This Work.   ....More

Tuesday, July 16, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 447  


Advanced sales of ALL SESSIONS ONLY Admission Wristbands and Meet Sponsorship.

SPECTATOR ADMISSION: Pre-order your spectator ALL-SESSION admission wristbands through the link above. All-sessions admission wristbands includes entry into the spectator stands for Tuesday night through Saturday prelims and final sessions. Time Trials session are free to attend. A Heat Sheet Program is included with each admission wristband.

Individual sessions or individual day spectator Admission Wristbands can be purchased at the meet. A Heat Sheet Program is included with each adult session or day admission

CHAMPIONSHIP SPONSOR: Sponsor the championship for $50 (WITH or without any all-session admission purchases). Sponsorships help to provide travel assistance for swimmers in need. 

Note: Advanced sales close at 12 midnight on Thursday July 25, 2019.  After this date, ALL Sessions Admission tickets can be purchased at the meet. ....More

Thursday, July 11, 2019 For Spectators Visits: 1496  


Don't forget to purchase commemorative apparel items from this year's YMCA LONG COURSE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! The YMCA of USA is proud to have our partner Metro Swim Shop provide this year's apparel. There will be lots to choose from onsite at the meet, but don't hesitate to shop ahead in the comfort of your home. ....More

Thursday, July 11, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 1062  


For Coaches Only: Each YMCA that participates in the YMCA National Championship must have a valid Insurance Certificate on file at the YUSA that cover the period through April 5, 2019. The link is to a list of teams with their current Insurance Certificate expiration dates. If your insurance certificate is out of date or will be out of date during the championship, please follow the instructions on the linked page to send your current insurance certificate to YUSA. Note: This list will be updated frequently until the start of the Championship. This list will also include a link for you to check to make sure we received your faxed/emailed declaration form ....More

Wednesday, July 10, 2019 For Coaches Only Visits: 715  


Darian Townsend

  • Olympic Gold Medal in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games

  • World record in the 200 IM in Berlin, Germany 2009

  • 2x NCAA Champion in the 200 free and 200 IM

  • NCAA Team Title in 2008
  • USA Swimming Team Captain in 2016

  • Arizona Senior Coach of the year for 2018/19
    Autograph session: Wednesday July 31, 11:30 to - 1:00 - in area next to the vendors on Level 0 (same level as the athlete village)

    Q&A Session with Darian: Tuesday 12 Noon to 1:00, Level 2 Room ERC2113 (go to the right of the workout equipment, down the hallway) and Wednesday, 3:30 to 4:30 pm, Level 2, Room ERC2113

    Thursday, June 27, 2019 For Everyone


    This is a schedule of swimming events and activities for each day of the meet. The schedule contains events/activities, dates/times, and locations.  For coaches, swimmers, officials, and parents.   ....More

    Tuesday, June 11, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 2802  


    Officials and Timers: You are cordially invited to help us at the 2019 YMCA Long Course Swimming Championship Meet.

    To properly conduct a championship meet of this magnitude requires a large number of officials and Timers to staff the deck each day. There is a need for YMCA Level I, YMCA Level II, USA-S Officials each day at Preliminaries, Time Trials and Finals.

    All officials attending the meet are strongly encouraged to sign up to work at this meet. Timer positions may also be available depending on the number of swim official volunteers.

    If you are experienced in timing, but are not an Certified Swim Official and would like to volunteer, we encourage you to do so.

    The link of this article is to a GOOGLE DOC pre-registration form.  

    Contact Rick Carson at rickcarson209@gmail.com if you have any questions

    Monday, May 27, 2019 For Officials Visits: 767  


    For Coaches: All Championship meet entries must be made through the YMCA Online Meet Entry System - Entry Deadline is Monday July 22, 2019 at 5:00pm ET

    Did you miss a swimmer? Did you miss an event for a swimmer? Did you fix all identified errors?

    Please make sure you review your entries for completeness and accuracy of entry times. ....More

    Monday, May 27, 2019 For Coaches Only Visits: 1350  

    MEET ENTRY - TIME TRIAL (Click link)

    For Coaches: YMCA Long Course Nationals Online Meet Entry for TIME TRIALS. Time trials are only open to swimmers participating in YMCA Nationals. Time trials entry is separate from the Main Championship entry. Entry Deadline is Monday July 22, 2019 at 5:00pm (ET)

    Did you miss a swimmer? Did you miss an event for a swimmer? Did you fix all identified errors?

    Please make sure you review your entries for completeness and accuracy of entry times. ....More

    Monday, May 27, 2019 For Coaches Only Visits: 874  


    Athlete volunteers are needed to fill a special role in this year's YMCA Long Course National Swimming Championship. If you have a swimmer or group of swimmers interested in participating in color guard, water banner, National Anthem, or devotion during the prelims or finals, please see the attached information and application form. Deadline for application submission is July 22, 2019. FYI: Form is a downloaded MS Word document ....More

    Monday, May 27, 2019 For Coaches Only Visits: 444  


    UPDATED 5/30 to correct W 400IM QT and to correct SM and SC QT

    For Coaches:
    Event file for main championship events. Entry deadline is Monday July 22 at 5:00pm - 

    IMPORTANT-BONUS EVENTS: Bonus events are events with event numbers ending in "B". To enter the 800 bonus event, you must qualify and enter the 1500 distance event and not have qualified for the 800 event. You can enter the 800 bonus event only if you have achieved the 800 bonus qualifying time. Alternatively, to qualify for the 1500 bonus event, you must qualify and enter the 800 event but not have qualified for the 1500 event. You can enter the 1500 bonus event only if you have achieved the 1500 bonus qualifying time.
    • Do not enter the 800 bonus event if you have achieved the qualifying time for the 800 main event. Alternatively, do not enter the 1500 bonus event if you achieved the qualifying time for the 1500 main event
    • Do not enter the 1500 bonus event unless you have entered the 800 main event. Do not enter the 800 Bonus event unless you have entered the 1500 main event

    Sunday, May 26, 2019 For Coaches Only Visits: 1405  

    EVENT FILE - TIME TRIALS (Click link)

    For Coaches: Event file for TeamManager/TeamUnify for the LCNats Time Trial Events. Only participants of the Long Course National Championship may enter these Time Trial Events. Entry Deadline is 7/22/2019 at 5:00pm ....More

    Sunday, May 26, 2019 For Coaches Only Visits: 810  


    The following Officials Training classes will be held at YMCA Long Course Nationals


    • Must complete application form and be approved as a trainer candidate
    • Monday, July 29, 2019 - 4:00 - 6:00 PM AND Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Lead Trainer - Ed Miller - Co-trainer - Eddie Hughes
    • There will be a charge of $40
    • Held in Eppley Recreation Center at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD
    • Please contact Ed Miller for more details: caefmilleriii@msn.com
    • Link to online Trainer Application form


    • Must be a trainer candidate or current YMCA Trainer
    • Monday, July 29, 2019 - 1:00 - 4:00 PM AND Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Lead Trainer - Ed Miller - Co-trainer - Eddie Hughes, Judy Sharkey
    • There is no charge for FST
    • Held in Eppley Recreation Center at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD
    • Please contact Ed Miller for more details: caefmilleriii@msn.com


    • For Certification or re-Certification 
    • Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Lead Trainer - Judy Sharkey
    • There will be a charge of $40
    • Held in Eppley Recreation Center at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD
    • Please contact Judy Sharkey for more details: jmsharkey@aol.com


    • For Certification and Re-Certification (must currently hold a Swim Level I certification for Level II Certification or Level II Re-Certification every 3 years)
    • Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Lead Trainer - Chris Jung
    • There will be a charge of $40
    • Held in Eppley Recreation Center at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD
    • Please contact Chris Jung for more details: chrisleexx@aol.com

    Friday, May 17, 2019 For Officials


    DEADLINE: 7/13/2019: YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) recognizes the commitment a swimmer makes to training and competing in swimming and diving competitions. We realize the financial strain these competitions can have on families. The YMCA of USA hopes to alleviate some of the financial pressures associated with participation by making financial assistance available to the parents/athlete to help support an athlete on local YMCA Financial Assistance with traveling to National Competitions (transportation and housing costs only) ....More

    Thursday, May 16, 2019 For Coaches Only Visits: 501  

    BACKSTROKE WEDGES (Click link)

    In response to our request, the University of Maryland has installed Backstroke Wedges in the Eppley Aquatic Center pool. The wedges are available at both ends of the 50 meter pool. Please watch this video to become familiar with the operation of the FINIS Backstroke Wedge ....More

    Wednesday, May 15, 2019 For Swimmers Visits: 768  

    MEET FORMS-EXTRA (Click link)

    These forms are automatically generated during the Online Entry process. These templates are provided in the event you did not receive them during your Meet Entry process ....More

    Monday, May 13, 2019 For Coaches Only Visits: 497  


    College/University coaches are welcome at all YMCA National Swimming and Diving Championships. We encourage you to come and see the talent that can be the future of your swimming team.

    We do request that all college coaches check-in at meet registration with their business card or school identification and a photo ID.

    You will receive the following:
    • Complimentary Admission
    • Complimentary Session Heat Sheets 
    • A listing of all attending teams, coaches and swimmers

    To pre-register, send an email to Tom Warrick, twarrick@comcast.net.  Include your name, email address, phone number, and the name of your University/college

    Monday, May 13, 2019 For Coaches Only


    To cover the Championship and provide pictures, volunteer photographers are needed. If you are interested, and willing to take picture to post on our web site during the Championship, please read and complete the linked application form. Note: Form is a Microsoft WORD document ....More

    Monday, May 13, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 384  

    HOTELS (Click link)

    Y-USA is pleased to announce a large selection of hotel options with varied room rates. With affordability in mind, we have partnered with the local hotel community to lower overall travel costs for participants, their families and coaches. Please note the deadline to reserve the rooms at these reduced rates may vary from hotel to hotel. Please plan to reserve your room no later than June 25.

    We are also exploring dorm housing options with the University. Please check back in a few weeks for an update. ....More

    Monday, May 13, 2019 For Everyone Visits: 1330  

    2019 QUALIFYING TIMES (Click link)

    2019 YMCA Long Course National Championship Qualifying Times ....More

    Saturday, September 1, 2018 For Everyone Visits: 9870  

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