2019 YMCA Short Course National Championship
Greensboro Aquatic Center, Greensboro, NC April 1-5, 2019 Theme: Out of this World (Outer Space) |
Quick Links: Home Coaches Officials Trainers Event History |
![]() With over 1,400 swimmers expected, the 2019 championship is not only an exposition of outstanding swimming competition but also a celebration of achievements by these young athletes. Join us and experience a world-class swimming venue, enjoy the antics of the "infamous" YMCA GateGuys, meet an Olympian at the Athlete Party, and dance and sing to the "Y.M.C.A." song. And let's not forget the Parade of Athletes. And if this is not enough, meet four college/university swim coaches who will provide insight into the college recruiting process. Watch all-day swimming with morning prelims, afternoon time trials, and evening finals. Purchase commemorative apparel. Get an autograph from (and maybe even a picture with) an Olympian.
(Click link) 2019 YMCA Short Course National Officials Picture. Thank you for volunteering ....More
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![]() While the 2019 YMCA Short Course National Championship is over and the results have been distributed, one more task remains: To Take Our Survey! Over 180 people volunteered their time to plan and run this championship. We now ask you to "volunteer" a few minutes of your time to give us your feedback. Whether your opinion is favorable or critical of the championship, your ratings and comments are important to the Championship's continuous improvement. Your responses to the survey questions really do make a difference. We welcome everyone's feedback - from swimmers, officials, coaches, parents, and remote viewers. Tell us what you liked and what you want changed. Link: click on the heading of this article above; PASSWORD IS: 9622 Thank you for your time
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GENERAL INFORMATION | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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POOL AVAILABILITY: The Greensboro Aquatic Center pool will be open for team practice:
The following teams have been selected for proof of times. If your team is on this list and you have not received an email from Tom Warrick, contact Tom at twarrick@comcast.net Y# YMCAName 0964 Farmington Valley Branch YMCA 1024 Wilton Family YMCA 1033 Regional YMCA of Western Connecticut 1089 Brandywine DE YMCA 1575 Champaign County YMCA 1580 Sage YMCA 1755 Edwardsville YMCA 2135 Central Branch YMCA 2165 Greater Des Moines Iowa YMCA 2537 Bath Area Family YMCA 2793 Malden YMCA 3031 Rapid Area YMCA 3105 North Oakland Family YMCA 3477 Grand Island Nebraska YMCA 3685 Fanwood Scotch Plains YMCA 3915 Somerset Hills YMCA 3951 Westfield YMCA 4549 Greensboro YMCA 4626 Northwest North Carolina YMCA 4785 North Canton Community YMCA 4795 Auglaize Mercer Counties YMCA 4805 Blue Ash YMCA 4827 Powel Crosley Jr YMCA 5018 Coffman Family YMCA 5083 Lancaster and Fairfield YMCA 5222 Fort Meigs YMCA 5275 Youngstown OH YMCA 5549 Chambersburg Memorial YMCA 5637 West Shore YMCA 5643 Bloomsburg Area YMCA 5756 Rocky Run YMCA 5781 Ridley Area YMCA 5907 Reading and Berks County YMCA 5908 Boyertown Area YMCA 5966 Lionville Community YMCA 5967 Upper Main Line YMCA 5985 Kennett Area YMCA 6046 Bayside Branch YMCA 6132 Greater Spartanburg YMCA 6823 Bremerton YMCA 7048 Chippewa Valley Family YMCA 7066 Door County YMCA 7125 Schroeder YMCA 7179 Wausau Woodson YMCA
FOR YOUR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY: The unofficial estimated end time for each day's Prelim & Final sessions are below (without Scratches ). As we post each day's heat sheets, revised projected event start and end times will be included. CORRECTED on 3/26
(Click link) Unofficial Psych Sheet for 2019 YMCA Short Course Nationals. If you see an entry time error, bring it to Coach Check-in in Greensboro. Missing swimmer(s), contact Tom at twarrick@comcast.net. Parents/swimmers should direct all their comments to their coach. ONLY COACHES MAY CONTACT TOM WARRICK, Entry Chair ....More
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(Click link)![]() Getting ready for Nationals can be very exciting, but also nerve-wracking because it's unlike any other competition you've competed in. Here are some frequently asked questions that might help you prepare. ....More
(Click link)![]() The Championship Meet Committee is hosting an educational session on the college admission process. Glenn Neufeld will moderate a discussion forum with four college coaches as they talk about the admissions process from their varying perspectives as the coaches of successful swimming programs at four very different institutions of higher education. The specific location of the Forum will be announced in the Special Event Center. The forum will be held on Monday from 2:45PM until 4:15PM. ....More
(Click link) GCY Long Course Single Day Splash: As has been done in the past, the Greensboro Community YMCA will be hosting a Long Course Time Trial meet for all participants of YMCA Short Course Nationals. The meet will be held at the Greensboro Aquatic Center (same location as YMCA SC Nats) on Saturday April 6, 2019 (day after the Y Nats Championship ends). Entry Deadline is Wednesday March 27, 2019 at midnight. Click the above link for the invitation. Event file is available at this link: Event File Please Note: This meet is hosted by GCY and is not part of the YMCA National Championship. This information is being provided as a courtesy to GCY and the coaches/swimmers participating in Y Nationals. YUSA and the National Championship Committee are not involved in this meet. All questions should be directed to individuals outlined in the invitation. ....More
(Click link) NOTE: ALL-Sessions and per-session parking passes are only available for onsite purchase Advanced sales of ALL SESSIONS - "ONLY" Admission Wristbands. SPECTATOR ADMISSION: Advanced sale of spectator ALL-SESSION admission wristbands. All-sessions admission wristbands includes Monday night through Friday prelims and final sessions. Individual sessions or individual day spectator Admission Wristbands can be purchased at the meet. CHAMPIONSHIP SPONSOR: Sponsor the championship for $50 WITH or without any all-session purchases. Sponsorship helps to provide travel assistance for swimmers in need. All sales are non-refundable. Advanced sales close at 12 midnight on Thursday March 28, 2019
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![]() Nathan Adrian Tyler Clary Camille Adams Josh Davis Craig Beardsley
(Click link) FOR COACHES - Key meet operations information for the Championship. ....More
(Click link) Coaches: Competition Warm-up schedule for Prelims and Finals: 2019 YMCA Short Course Nationals. ....More
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(Click link)![]() IMPORTANT NOTICE - |
Wednesday, February 20, 2019 | For Everyone | Visits: 1596 |
All Championship meet entries must be made through the Online Meet Entry System - Entry Deadline is Monday March 25, 2019 at 5:00pm ET.
IMPORTANT: there is a separate online entry link for your Time Trials entries
You will be asked to list your graduating seniors and to confirm/update your LSC and Team Abbreviation. Forms will be generated that will need signing and must be sent prior to attending the meet or brought to Team Check in. You should print these forms from the web page (they will also be emailed to you).
You may update your entries as many times as you desire. Remember: each update must be a full replacement. ENTRY FEE PAYMENT: You will not be billed for your entries until after the entry deadline. Billing will be through your credit card on file in your TeamUnify system and will include main championship entries and any online Time Trial entries that you have made ....More
Monday, February 11, 2019 | For Coaches Only | Visits: 3978 |
Time Trial meet entries can be made through the Online Meet Entry System prior to the start of the meet - Entry Deadline is Monday March 25, 2019 at 5:00pm ET. Entries can also be made each day during the meet.
IMPORTANT: there is a separate online entry link for your main championship entries ....More
Monday, February 11, 2019 | For Coaches Only | Visits: 2412 |

Monday, February 4, 2019 | For Everyone | Visits: 960 |
Event file including entry qualifying for main championship events.
Note: Time Trials will be a separate event file, separate meet, and separate Online Meet Entry submission link. UPDATE: 1/31/2019 - Fixed an issue with the 1650. Fixed an issue with 1000 and 1650 bonus events that did not include SCM and LCM times qualifying times.
IMPORTANT - BONUS EVENTS: Bonus events are events with event numbers ending in "B". To enter a 1000 bonus event, you must qualify and enter the 1650 distance event and not have qualify for the 1000 event. You can enter the 1000 bonus event only if you have achieved the 1000 bonus qualify time. Alternatively, to qualify for the 1650 bonus event, you must qualify and enter the 1000 event but not have qualify for the 1650 event. You can enter the 1650 bonus event only if you have achieved the 1650 bonus qualifying time.
- Do not enter the 1000 bonus events if you have achieved the qualifying time for the 1000 main events. Alternatively, do not enter the 1650 bonus event if you achieved the qualifying time for the 1650 main event
- Do not enter the 1650 bonus event unless you have entered the 1000 main event. Do not enter the 1000 Bonus event unless you have qualified and entered the 1650 main event
Thursday, January 31, 2019 | For Coaches Only | Visits: 2778 |
For Coaches - Event file for Time Trials. Time Trials is a separate meet with a separate online meet entry submission. Please note: Only swimmers participating the the main events of YMCA Short Course Nationals can swim Time Trials. Swimmers may compete in a maximum of 4 time trials over the duration of the 5 day meet ....More
Wednesday, January 30, 2019 | For Coaches Only | Visits: 1953 |

Wednesday, January 30, 2019 | For Coaches Only | Visits: 1734 |
YMCA Swim Officials Training Clinics offered at 2019 YMCA SC Nationals
As always, we will be offering several swim officials' training clinics at the 2019 Short Course Swimming Championships in Greensboro, NC in April. The clinics offered are:
Swim Officials Trainer Training
Swim Officials Level II
Swim Officials Level I
Swim Officials Trainer Training
UPDATE: DEADLINE for signup corrected to March 1, 2019
This program will train and certify candidates as YMCA Trainers for Swim Official Classes.
This program, which includes the prerequisite Facilitation Skills Training (FST), will be held on Sunday and Monday, March 31-April 1, 2019. The first phase will be held on Sunday, March 31 from 1:00 PM until 6:00 PM at the Sheraton Greensboro Hotel and will encompass parts of both FST and the Trainer Training program.
The second phase, which will also involve actually teaching segments of the Level I or Level II program, will take place on Monday, April 1 at the Greensboro Aquatic Complex. The session will run from 7:30 AM until 2:30 PM.
The prerequisites for this clinic can be at THIS LINK. Registration for this program must be completed by no later than Friday, March 1, 2019. Registration is accomplished by e-mailing the lead trainer, Ed Miller (caefmilleriii@msn.com) and then completing a Trainer Application form obtained from Bridgett Zeitler at Y-USA (bridgett.zeitler@ymca.net).
Swim Officials Level II
This clinic will be offered for prospective new Level II officials as well as existing Level II officials needing to renew their certifications.
The program will be held at the Greensboro Aquatic Complex on Monday, April 1 from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM. To register for this clinic, contact the lead trainer, Eddie Hughes (cehughes@spinxco.com). Re-certifying officials must bring a copy of their meet experience record with them evidencing the meet sessions worked over the prior three year certification period.
Swim Officials Level I
This clinic will be offered for prospective new Level I officials as well as existing Level I officials needing to renew their certifications. The program will be held at the Greensboro Aquatic Complex on Monday, April 1 from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM. To register for this clinic, contact the lead trainer, Ed Miller (caefmilleriii@msn.com). Re-certifying officials must bring a copy of their meet experience record with them evidencing the meet sessions worked over the prior three year certification period.
Monday, January 28, 2019 | For Officials |
These forms are automatically generated during the Online Meet Entry process. These templates are provided in the event you did not receive them during your entry process ....More
Tuesday, January 22, 2019 | For Coaches Only | Visits: 936 |

Spectators: Spectators are not allowed to bring in any food, snack or beverages into the Aquatic Center or Athlete Village. The GAC will have concessions each day of the meet. Re-entry parking privileges are allowed should anyone want to go off-site for meals.
Teams: No outside catering or take-out food is permitted at either venue. A team coach may bring a cooler into the Athlete Village (with water or Gatorade). Swimmers may bring in snacks and power bars for consumption if stored in their back packs,. There will be water available throughout the meet in on-deck coolers for swimmers, coaches and officials. Empty water bottles may be brought in for use at the water fountains.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019 | For Everyone |

Those we hold closest to our hearts never truly leave us. They live on in the kindness they have shared and the love they brought into our lives ....More
Tuesday, January 22, 2019 | For Everyone | Visits: 661 |

We do request that all college coaches check-in at meet registration with their business card or school identification and a photo ID.
You will receive the following:
- Complimentary Admission
- Complimentary Session Heat Sheets
- A listing of all attending teams, coaches and swimmers
To pre-register, send an email to Tom Warrick, twarrick@comcast.net. Include your name, email address, phone number, and the name of your University/college
Tuesday, January 22, 2019 | For Coaches Only |

Tuesday, January 22, 2019 | For Everyone | Visits: 574 |

DEADLINE: 3/22/2019: YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) recognizes the commitment a swimmer makes to training and competing in swimming and diving competitions. We realize the financial strain these competitions can have on families. The YMCA of USA hopes to alleviate some of the financial pressures associated with participation by making financial assistance available to the parents/athlete to help support an athlete on local YMCA Financial Assistance with traveling to National Competitions (transportation and housing costs only)
....MoreTuesday, January 22, 2019 | For Everyone | Visits: 875 |

Saturday, December 15, 2018 | For Coaches Only | Visits: 667 |
The 2019 YMCA Short Course Nationals Championship Handbook (Meet Invitation) provides information for Coaches, Swimmers and Parents to prepare, enter, attend, and compete in the championship. The Handbook is a must-read for everyone attending the Championship.
UPDATED 3/15/2019 - No advanced Sales of parking passes. Updated Meet Committee Listing (Appendix 3) ....More
Monday, November 5, 2018 | For Everyone | Visits: 9648 |

To properly conduct a championship meet of this magnitude requires a large number of officials to staff the deck each day. There is a need for YMCA Level I, YMCA Level II, and/or USA-S Officials each day at Preliminaries, Time Trials, and Finals. All officials attending the meet are strongly encouraged to sign up to work at this meet.
Timer positions may also be available depending on the number of swim official volunteers. If you are experienced in timing, but are not a Certified Swim Official and would like to volunteer, we encourage you to do so.
The link for this article is an online pre-registration form. Fill-in the form and it will be submitted to Robert Menck at rmenckiii@gmail.com, the Officials Coordinator for the meet ....More
Sunday, November 4, 2018 | For Officials | Visits: 1123 |
Make your nomination for COACH-OF-THE-YEAR now before you miss the opportunity.
Make your nomination for COACH-OF-THE-YEAR now before you miss the opportunity.

YMCA coaches play a critical role in the cognitive, physical and social-emotional development of young athletes. By using swimming as a vehicle by which to promote achievement, relationships and a sense of belonging, coaches take a holistic approach to youth development. The lessons learned through swimming help an individual to thrive well beyond the pool.
The YMCA Swimming Coach of the Year Award is presented annually to the person who best exemplifies this approach to his or her role as a coach. The recipient intentionally strengthens the foundations of his or her community and actively promotes youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. He or she maintains high standards for the YMCA's core values of honesty, caring, respect and responsibility.
Anyone can nominate a swim coach for his award: parent, swimmer, coach, YMCA professional, and/or swim official. Forms and all supporting documents are due by March 1, 2019.
The recipient is selected by YMCA National Coaches Association Executive Committee and the YMCA of USA Swimming and Diving Council.
The recipient will be announced at the YMCA National Short Course Championship Meet. The recipient does not need to be present at the meet to be chosen to receive the award.
Please do not send multiple submissions by different individuals for the same coach if these individuals are all aware that the coach is being nominated. Please consolidate all the information into one submission, if possible. ....More
Thursday, November 1, 2018 | For Everyone | Visits: 914 |

Come join us at the Greensboro Aquatics Center, Greensboro, NC on April 1-5, 2019 for the 2019 YMCA Short Course National Swimming Championship.
With affordability in mind, we have again partnered with the Greensboro Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Greensboro hotel community to keep overall travel costs low for the Championship participants.
The hotel link for the 2019 is live! Book your hotels now. ....More
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 | For Everyone | Visits: 3600 |
Time standards for the 2019 YMCA Short Course National Championship ....More
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 | For Everyone | Visits: 16779 |
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Countdown |
Contacts(Click name to email) |
Coaches Representative
Meet Director
Online Entry / Team Check-in |